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UKIP Candidate says Homosexuals more likely to be child abusers

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According to Paul Forrest, UKIP candidate for Liverpool has dredged up the old chestnut that homosexuals are 10 times more likely to be child abusers than normal men.




This on top of the other UKIP candidate, David Silvester who claimed that foods were caused by allowing gay men to marry....Like Richard Littlejohn, they certainly think they know a great deal about gay people.


Now I'm sure that all parties have bigots in their ranks, but why does UKIP seemingly attract more than its fair share?

BTW this isn't an attempt to discredit UKIP....I've read the views of enough UKIPers on here to form the view that they simply don't care how they are percieved.

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Probably a website such as this. or this.


Are you happy to claim that websites that says:


Family Research Council believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large..............


Gay people can choose to leave homosexuality


Are credible sources on homosexuality? They do seem a little biased. :hihi:

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Nutter, I might just vote Lib dem, oh wait a minute what about that Cyril Smith, right I might go for Labour.......erm not too sure about the Harriet Harman business. Oh s.... it's got to be Tory then.. no best not go there. That's it then were all .......

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Are you happy to claim that websites that says:






Are credible sources on homosexuality? They do seem a little biased. :hihi:


I don't think any credible sources on homosexuality would dare to make the link between homosexuality and child abuse even if the figures were true.

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