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UKIP Candidate says Homosexuals more likely to be child abusers

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Love it. I like how the article states “Your daily grind... funds his celebrity lifestyle”. Oh, the irony :D


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 13:32 ----------



How do you figure out Henry is being racist?


He says there arent enough blacks, meaning there is too many non blacks. Its simple really. If he had just shut his race card playing racist mouth and just pumped some of his own substantial wealth into doing something about it (if he feels that strongly about it) then we would all be saying what a good egg he is, instead hes got down and dirty and played the race card. Its typical really.


Oh and before you mention his white Ex, Dont. It dosent mean he isnt a racist just because he married a white women. My uncle married a women, had two kids and all the time he was a closet queen.

Henry could have been a closet racist, until now.


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 13:45 ----------


If being black makes you a good long distance runner, where are all the long distance runners from the Caribbean?


I didnt say being black made you a good runner. I said blacks make better runners. Like whites have the monopoly on inventions, going into space, building stuff, basically whites have much better levels of intelligence than blacks and we make the most of that. You just have to look at the vast majority of african nations, they are holes where people starve to death or die of disease every single day. If they had the mental tools to fix it themselves im sure they would have done by now. Having said that, not every white will be clever, industrious or a success and not every black person is going to be good at sports.

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If being black makes you a good long distance runner, where are all the long distance runners from the Caribbean?

I would imagine that altitude and training programmes/facilities play a part.


It's pretty clear that black's are better at explosive athletic sports.


I don't think there is a single white running back or corner back in the NFL. Indeed blacks outnumber whites quite comfortably in the NFL particularly in the positions where strength and speed are paramount.


Of course it could be because the whites are all taking up a career in the arts instead.

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Like whites have the monopoly on inventions, going into space, building stuff, basically whites have much better levels of intelligence than blacks and we make the most of that. You just have to look at the vast majority of african nations, they are holes where people starve to death or die of disease every single day. If they had the mental tools to fix it themselves im sure they would have done by now. Having said that, not every white will be clever, industrious or a success and not every black person is going to be good at sports.
That's related to climate. It's hard to invent stuff when you don't know where your next meal is coming from because nothing grows.
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He says there arent enough blacks, meaning there is too many non blacks. Its simple really. If he had just shut his race card playing racist mouth and just pumped some of his own substantial wealth into doing something about it (if he feels that strongly about it) then we would all be saying what a good egg he is, instead hes got down and dirty and played the race card. Its typical really.


Does that mean someone saying there should be more women in engineering and science is actually a sexist?

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So have you retreated from your theory that black people are better at some things then white people, and white people are better at things then black people.


Not at all, because I don't need to be a statistician to realise that the high number of Blacks who excel at 100m sprinting or heavyweight boxing is just through chance.


If you take a look at North American sports, the NBA is dominated by Blacks, but the NHL has very few.


Clearly the Blacks do much better at basketball than ice hockey.


I'm not saying Blacks can't do well at ice hockey, but for some reason they choose not to take part. I can only assume it's a cultural thing.


I'm sure there's nothing racist in the NBA that prevents Whites from taking part, just like there probably isn't any racism in the NHL that prevents Blacks from taking part.


The point is in some areas of society certain races have a higher representation than others, it doesn't follow that it's due to some form of underlying racism.





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That's related to climate. It's hard to invent stuff when you don't know where your next meal is coming from because nothing grows.


Or, White people were smart enough to move somewhere where something grows and then take it from there.

Look, im not being funny really im not but if these baron dust bowls are so hospitable, they should pick up their few belongings and move en mass to a place with soil and water.

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I would imagine that altitude and training programmes/facilities play a part.


It's pretty clear that black's are better at explosive athletic sports.


I don't think there is a single white running back or corner back in the NFL. Indeed blacks outnumber whites quite comfortably in the NFL particularly in the positions where strength and speed are paramount.


Of course it could be because the whites are all taking up a career in the arts instead.


Or maybe people who originate from the Caribbean have an advantage at explosive athletic sports, and being black is incidental to that advantage? Maybe you wouldn't have an advantage in explosive athletic sports if you was black but you originated from Ethiopia instead of the Caribbean.


What I am suggesting that the conditions that allow people from certain regions to excel at certain sports have nothing to do with the colour of their skin and everything to do with the location that they originate.

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That's related to climate. It's hard to invent stuff when you don't know where your next meal is coming from because nothing grows.


Not strictly true.


Zimbabwe was reasonably affluent as African nations go and more than capable of feeding it's own people.


When Mugabe took over, he kicked all the White farmers off the land and as a result they now find themselves in a position like many other African nations....Short of food.


If it was down to climate why were they self sufficient when the White Farmers were running things?


Whilst climate can be an issue in parts of Africa, it's often tribalism that causes the problems.


Now that Nelson Mandela is gone I do fear where South Africa will end up, because he was the one holding things together.





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Or, White people were smart enough to move somewhere where something grows and then take it from there.

Look, im not being funny really im not but if these baron dust bowls are so hospitable, they should pick up their few belongings and move en mass to a place with soil and water.


You do realise, those smart white people were actually black all those years ago, when they decided to migrate :)

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