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UKIP Candidate says Homosexuals more likely to be child abusers

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Not at all, because I don't need to be a statistician to realise that the high number of Blacks who excel at 100m sprinting or heavyweight boxing is just through chance.


If you take a look at North American sports, the NBA is dominated by Blacks, but the NHL has very few.


Clearly the Blacks do much better at basketball than ice hockey.


I'm not saying Blacks can't do well at ice hockey, but for some reason they choose not to take part. I can only assume it's a cultural thing.


I'm sure there's nothing racist in the NBA that prevents Whites from taking part, just like there probably isn't any racism in the NHL that prevents Blacks from taking part.


The point is in some areas of society certain races have a higher representation than others, it doesn't follow that it's due to some form of underlying racism.






No, black people do not excel at 100 meters, people from who trace their roots from the Caribbean do. There are a few fast 100 meter Africans, but nowhere near as many fast 100m running Africans as there are 100m running people from the Caribbean, even with the massive population differences.


So this suggests that the advantage in the 100m race lies with someone having their roots originate from the Caribbean rather than just being black.

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Or, White people were smart enough to move somewhere where something grows and then take it from there.

Look, im not being funny really im not but if these baron dust bowls are so hospitable, they should pick up their few belongings and move en mass to a place with soil and water.

So I take it you are pro mass migration?


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 14:27 ----------


Not strictly true.


Zimbabwe was reasonably affluent as African nations go and more than capable of feeding it's own people.


When Mugabe took over, he kicked all the White farmers off the land and as a result they now find themselves in a position like many other African nations....Short of food.


If it was down to climate why were they self sufficient when the White Farmers were running things?

The white farmers brought technology and knowledge born from living in a climate where it was possible to invent.


Whilst climate can be an issue in parts of Africa, it's often tribalism that causes the problems.
What is the root of tribalism? Again I suspect a struggle for resources due to a hostile climate.
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So I take it you are pro mass migration?


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 14:27 ----------


The white farmers brought technology and knowledge born from living in a climate where it was possible to invent.


What is the root of tribalism? Again I suspect a struggle for resources due to a hostile climate.


Sure, i have no problems with Africans moving to the next nearest place that has soil and water for them to start over and become productive members of the human race.

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Sure, i have no problems with Africans moving to the next nearest place that has soil and water for them to start over and become productive members of the human race.


So, no reply to this?


Does that mean someone saying there should be more women in engineering and science is actually a sexist?
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No, black people do not excel at 100 meters, people from who trace their roots from the Caribbean do. There are a few fast 100 meter Africans, but nowhere near as many fast 100m running Africans as there are 100m running people from the Caribbean, even with the massive population differences.


So this suggests that the advantage in the 100m race lies with someone having their roots originate from the Caribbean rather than just being black.


How many whites from the Caribbean excel at sprinting?


What about the number of blacks who excel at boxing?


What about blacks excelling at basketball and whites at ice hockey?


What about the lack of black swimmers?


It's probably a cultural thing, but the point is that blacks do excel at certain sports and whites at others, it's nothing to do with racism preventing them from getting on in certain sports.





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The Lenny Henry comment for example.


A partly quoted article of 'UKIP member tells Lenny Henry to get back to black country' doesn't sound particularly good.


If you expand the whole debate and find that Lenny Henry has been moaning about the lack of black people employed in a particular area, a comment such as - 'If he wants more black people around him, why doesn't he go to a country where more black people live' puts a slightly different slant on things.


I can't remember exactly what was said, but I do recall not finding it anything like as offensive when I found out a little more about the whole debate.


If I lived in an area of Spain where a lot of Yorkshire folks lived and I complained that Yorkshire accents weren't represented enough where I was working. I don't think it would be unreasonable for someone to tell me - 'If you want to hear more Yorkshire accents, go back to Yorkshire'.


Now if a newspaper article was to state - 'Spanish boss tells employee to go back home to Yorkshire' - That wouldn't sound too good, but it doesn't take into account the whole conversation/debate.


Selective quoting often changes the context.






Excellent post. :)

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How many whites from the Caribbean excel at sprinting?


What about the number of blacks who excel at boxing?


What about blacks excelling at basketball and whites at ice hockey?



What about the lack of black swimmers?


It's probably a cultural thing, but the point is that blacks do excel at certain sports and whites at others, it's nothing to do with racism preventing them from getting on in certain sports.






How many white people can trace their genetic roots back to the Caribbean?


How many Africans excel at boxing?


How many people who's roots are from Africa rather than the Caribbean excel at basketball?


If you think that being white gives you an advantage at swimming, how many great Nordic swimmers have their been in comparison to Australian swimmers?


Culture may well play it's part, but the point that I'm making is that the advantage seems to based upon specific regions rather than just skin colour alone.

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How many white people can trace their genetic roots back to the Caribbean?


How many Africans excel at boxing?


If you think that being white gives you an advantage at swimming, how many great Nordic swimmers have their been in comparison to Australian swimmers?


Culture may well play it's part, but the point that I'm making is that the advantage seems to based upon specific regions rather than just skin colour alone.


I've never said it gives you an advantage being black or white, I'm just pointing out what is obvious for all to see.....Blacks are highly represented at the top level in some sports, whites in others, therefore they're generally better at certain sports.


I can only guess it comes down to culture.


Are there any black professional snooker players or darts players? - There's no reason why they shouldn't be as good as whites





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I agree with what you're saying here. I do think genetics plays a part when it comes to the long distance runners though.


Isn't that often to do with the altitude and the number of red blood cells?


I'm sure I also once read that blacks tend to have a heavier skin pigment which was a reason for them being less competitive when it comes to swimming, although I'm not convinced by that. :hihi:





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I agree with what you're saying here. I do think genetics plays a part when it comes to the long distance runners though.


I concur, how ever the genetics in question which undoubtedly favours long distance runners seem to been linked to people who originate from three mountainous districts beside the Rift Valley: Nandi in Kenya, Arsi and Shewa in Ethiopia.


So the genetics in question is very much a localised advantage rather than a skin colour advantage in itself.

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