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UKIP Candidate says Homosexuals more likely to be child abusers

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Here's the 70% claim with all the gory detail.


Like how most people are more concerned about the economy than immigration.


Again showing how UKIP is stealing tory votes rather than from across the board like some of you like to make out.


A poll of under 2000 adults. I was thinking of the poll of 20 000 adults, maybe you should give it another go ?

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A poll of under 2000 adults. I was thinking of the poll of 20 000 adults, maybe you should give it another go ?


2000 is the normal poll size for these types of report, including where you all keep getting the +30% UKIP scores. Sample size over a certain, calculable, amount, very rarely affects the outcome of statistical analysis.


If you can't be bothered to provide sources, I ain't gonna go find them for you. It's up to you to prove you're not talking brass monkeys, not me.

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2000 is the normal poll size for these types of report, including where you all keep getting the +30% UKIP scores. Sample size over a certain, calculable, amount, very rarely affects the outcome of statistical analysis.


If you can't be bothered to provide sources, I ain't gonna go find them for you. It's up to you to prove you're not talking brass monkeys, not me.


I will but I have been through all this already with someone on another topic already and its getting tedious.



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None of the polls referred to in those results surveyed anywhere near 20,000 people. Most refer to the same poll conducted for the BBC "Truth about Immigration" programme, which polled 3,244 people.

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Have you seen the recent results for the In/Out of the EU polls - both tied around 45%?* Just as many people feel strongly about staying as they do leaving. There's no mandate from the electorate either way.


Look at the YouGov poll results I posted earlier, a majority of Labour and Lib Dem supporters, along with a sizeable portion of the Tory vote all believe we will be worse off out of Europe.


Until UKIP are actually challenging for the win at Westminster elections rather than second or third place the main parties won't care what their supporters want on the EU / immigration - it would require a complete U-turn in their policies and direction.




* And that's with absolutely no "pro-EU" campaign running. The anti-EU campaign is well established and entrenched, yet it still struggles to get over 50% support.


I don't think anybody is claiming it's a foregone conclusion, all we're asking for is the debate and then a vote on the issue.


This is far too important an issue to be just left to Parliament, the people should be allowed to have their say......That's democracy.


At the moment all we have is three political parties telling us that they know best.....Well now there's a fourth player here to shake things up and if enough people do vote for them at the forthcoming elections, that will certainly make a statement to the other three....I guess we'll find out in two weeks time. :)





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None of the polls referred to in those results surveyed anywhere near 20,000 people. Most refer to the same poll conducted for the BBC "Truth about Immigration" programme, which polled 3,244 people.


Look for Lord Ashcrofts poll of 20 000. Google.

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By splitting the Conservative vote so more Labour MP's get in?


They take more votes from the Tories but they take them from Labour too... look at the polls. But, even if you are right, if they threaten Tory seats and that risks the Tories losing power then it will force the Tories to give ground re the EU and immigration to try and win back support. If the Tories then win back support from UKIP then it will threaten Labour seats ad Labour will need to consider giving ground too if they want power.


Only the complacent will dismiss UKIPs influence at the next election based on what happened last time - you can guarantee the main parties will be worried and keeping a close eye on things.


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 08:02 ----------


How are they going to do that when they're struggling to even get enough support to get one MP? And that's at the moment - their height of popularity.


The British Election Study doesn't agree with your assessment and nor do I. See you in just over a year and we can compare notes! ;)

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I don't think anybody is claiming it's a foregone conclusion, all we're asking for is the debate and then a vote on the issue.


This is far too important an issue to be just left to Parliament, the people should be allowed to have their say......That's democracy.


At the moment all we have is three political parties telling us that they know best.....Well now there's a fourth player here to shake things up and if enough people do vote for them at the forthcoming elections, that will certainly make a statement to the other three....I guess we'll find out in two weeks time. :)






You mean a referendum? I could have sworn the cons have already promised a "in" "out" referendum on europe. Like you say, that's democracy ;)


Are UKIP not telling us that they know best?


Anyhow, we are deviating from the OP. Maybe we should get back on subject and debate other issues that are not related to this homophobic comment on the other UKIP thread.


As for the comment. Although appalling, I am not surprised by it. I mean, it's not like it's a one off.

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