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UKIP Candidate says Homosexuals more likely to be child abusers

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Which other party is going to attract the homophobes?


While UKIP aren't homophobic themselves, they do have the most conservative view on gay rights of all the parties.


I'm sure there's a broad range of views in all parties.


I would guess that Labour attract a large percentage of the Muslim vote, but whilst many Labour supporters are probably in favour of gay marriage, I would be surprised if the majority of Muslims are in favour.


However, the point of a plant is to say things controversial that will stir things up, he/she doesn't necessarily need to believe what they're saying.


I know nothing about Paul Forrest, so I can't say if he's legitimate or not. I'm actually not that interested if truth be known, because I will be voting for Farage and his stance on Europe and Immigration.





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At an election where he can achieve none of his aims for those topics. :hihi:


Correct, but it makes a political statement if UKIP get a large percentage of the vote. :thumbsup:





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But isn't it refreshing that UKIP candidates say what they think rather than having a whip ordering them to toe the party line like the old political parties?


I'd love to say "yes" to this in general. But when you get to the specifics that UKIP members - and even Tory councillors for that matter - say, its not refreshing. Especially when its ignorance that they believe to be fact.

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I'd love to say "yes" to this in general. But when you get to the specifics that UKIP members - and even Tory councillors for that matter - say, its not refreshing. Especially when its ignorance that they believe to be fact.


But the ignorance in this case is religiously induced. Contempt for these views is being wrongly directed at UKIP when it should be direct at the church and all the other religions that preach and practice homophobia and sexism.

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But the ignorance in this case is religiously induced. Contempt for these views is being wrongly directed at UKIP when it should be direct at the church and all the other religions that preach and practice homophobia and sexism.


This is the bottom line of it really isn't it... Couldnt agree more!

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I don't think UKIP supporters have quite grasped that concept ;):D


No, they're all doing it in the hope that it will force Cameron / Milliband / Clegg to suddenly stop in their tracks and realise that a bunch of old lower class northerners are the most important voting force in the UK, and not just a bunch of grumpy old gits*.


UKIP still tops the list of "will not vote for" polls. Farage has attracted a very specific set of society - the sort who sit in the pub and complain to each other about how much better things used to be - and has put off vast swathes of the rest of the country.


The thing is, once it gets to the general election, if these same people get the slighest sniff of a possible tory victory in their traditionally safe labour seats, they'll all suddenly be sporting red rosettes, telling each other that while they'd love to vote for Big Nige, it's more important to keep Cameron out of the way.


And that's precisely why none of the big three leaders will care at all about this protest vote, because they all know you'll come flocking back as soon as you get scared of possible opposition.


* You're most likely to vote UKIP if over 60, from the North and in the C2DE social class grouping. YouGov 5/5/14 Page 4 is quite interesting, especially since 74% of UKIP voters are afraid they'll suffer directly from cuts in spending on public services such as health, education and welfare.

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No, they're all doing it in the hope that it will force Cameron / Milliband / Clegg to suddenly stop in their tracks and realise that a bunch of old lower class northerners are the most important voting force in the UK, and not just a bunch of grumpy old gits*.


UKIP still tops the list of "will not vote for" polls. Farage has attracted a very specific set of society - the sort who sit in the pub and complain to each other about how much better things used to be - and has put off vast swathes of the rest of the country.


The thing is, once it gets to the general election, if these same people get the slighest sniff of a possible tory victory in their traditionally safe labour seats, they'll all suddenly be sporting red rosettes, telling each other that while they'd love to vote for Big Nige, it's more important to keep Cameron out of the way.


And that's precisely why none of the big three leaders will care at all about this protest vote, because they all know you'll come flocking back as soon as you get scared of possible opposition.


* You're most likely to vote UKIP if over 60, from the North and in the C2DE social class grouping. YouGov 5/5/14 Page 4 is quite interesting, especially since 74% of UKIP voters are afraid they'll suffer directly from cuts in spending on public services such as health, education and welfare.


The fact is that UKIP look like they will retain enough of the protest vote to decide the outcome of the next general election. That is enough to force the main parties to give ground on the EU and immigration to try and win back support. A UKIP protest vote is a job done.

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The fact is that UKIP look like they will retain enough of the protest vote to decide the outcome of the next general election.


How are they going to do that when they're struggling to even get enough support to get one MP? And that's at the moment - their height of popularity.


UKIP's problem is their support is coming in Labour strongholds, and they're only really taking votes off the Tories and Lib Dems. Because of our "wonderful" voting system, at the moment, the Lib Dems are going to have many more MPs than UKIP, even with UKIP nationally outpolling the LDs.

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