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Animals in confined spaces

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People usually do smile and say hello in the countryside, its because if you are walking along a remote pathway, its to show you are friendly and mean no harm. I come from a rural area, and that's always been my philosophy - country folk are much more friendly.


I couldn't agree more.


After sixty years living in Sheffield the difference of now living in the countryside is remarkable.

People always smile and say hello.

In Sheffield people rarely made eye contact with a stranger and simply walked by. It wasn't just Meadowhall either.

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I guess people are more relaxed when out in open spaces. Worries about everyday life are put at the back of your mind for a few hours, resulting in a more affable manner.


When I lived out in the sticks in Ireland, I would take walks on country roads and you could guarantee the odd passing motorist would give you a wave.


The funny thing about this post was when you mentioned open space and countryside, I felt happy and stress free. The images of crowded busy places filled me with anxiety.

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When I lived out in the sticks in Ireland, I would take walks on country roads and you could guarantee the odd passing motorist would give you a wave.


I reckon you'd get plenty of waving motorists if you decided to take a walk down the parkway :hihi:

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Because people who spend their spare time trudging around Meadowhall are miserable, unintelligent chavs but people who spend their spare time enjoying the freedom of the countryside are happy and imaginative people?


Sometimes its a necessity to go to Meadowhall. I'm not going to obtain kids shoes in the countryside. :roll:


---------- Post added 07-05-2014 at 17:26 ----------


I reckon you'd get plenty of waving motorists if you decided to take a walk down the parkway :hihi:


Yes, from all those red-light-adhering, non speeding, paragons-of-good driving-virtue-motorists on the parkway.

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Because people who spend their spare time trudging around Meadowhall are miserable, unintelligent chavs but people who spend their spare time enjoying the freedom of the countryside are happy and imaginative people?


What about people who do both? Do we change to accommodate our surrounding. By the way I am not a chav or am I unintelligent !!! Sometimes I am miserable tho'

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In my case it's to do with whether I'm relaxed or not. Out walking in the countryside I'll smile and greet everyone, but catch me in Meadowhall and chances are I'll be scowling and casting murderous glances to anyone unfortunate enough to be breathing near me (I hate shopping). :hihi:

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I'm come accross as more miserable out in the wilds - or at least when I'm fishing. I'm sat on my own, a fair distance away from my nearest fellow angler and I'm quiet. What in that picture gives anyone the idea I want to talk to strangers? **** off and leave me alone!!!!

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In my case it's to do with whether I'm relaxed or not. Out walking in the countryside I'll smile and greet everyone, but catch me in Meadowhall and chances are I'll be scowling and casting murderous glances to anyone unfortunate enough to be breathing near me (I hate shopping). :hihi:


Are you my twin lol :hihi:

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