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I'm addicted to shoplifting!

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Sounds like a cry for help to me and certainly by posting this on a public forum you know it isn't right what you are doing .You have taken one step ,now take another and go and seek professional help for the real cause of your problem ,before you are caught . ! I wish you well and hopefully you will get the help you deserve .Let us know how you get on .

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Here's some of the wiki on treatments for Kleptomania:




Although the disorder has been known to psychologists for a long time, the cause of kleptomania is still ambiguous. Therefore, a diverse range of therapeutic approaches have been introduced for its treatment. These treatments include: psychoanalytic oriented psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, and pharmacotherapy.[18]


Psychoanalytic and psychodynamic approach[edit]

Several explanations of the mechanics of kleptomania have been presented. A contemporary social approach proposes that kleptomania is an outcome of consumerism and the large quantity of commodities in society. Psychodynamic theories depend on a variety of points of view in defining the disorder. Psychoanalysts define the condition as an indication of a defense mechanism deriving in the unconscious ego against anxiety, prohibited intuition or desires, unsettled struggle or forbidden sexual drives, dread of castration, sexual excitement, and sexual fulfillment and orgasm throughout the act of stealing.[19] The psychoanalytic and psycho-dynamic approach to kleptomania granted the basis for prolonged psychoanalytic or psycho-dynamic psychotherapy as the core treatment method for a number of years. Like most psychiatric conditions, kleptomania was observed within the psycho-dynamic lens instead of being viewed as a bio-medical disorder. However, the prevalence of psychoanalytic approach contributed to the growth of other approaches, particularly in the biological domain.[20]


Behavioral and cognitive intervention[edit]

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has primarily substituted the psychoanalytic and dynamic approach in the treatment of kleptomania. Numerous behavioural approaches have been recommended as helpful according to several cases stated in the literature. They include: hidden sensitisation by unpleasant images of nausea and vomiting, aversion therapy (for example, aversive holding of breath to achieve a slightly painful feeling every time a desire to steal or the act is imagined), and systematic desensitisation.[21] In certain instances, the use of combining several methods such as hidden sensitisation along with exposure and response prevention were applied. Even though the approaches used in CBT need more research and investigation in kleptomania, success in combining these methods with medication was illustrated over the use of drug treatment as the single method of treatment.[22]


Drug treatment[edit]

The phenomenological similarity and the suggested common basic biological dynamics of kleptomania and OCD, pathological gambling and trichotillomania gave rise to the theory that the similar groups of medications could be used in all these conditions. Consequently, the primary use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) group, which is a form of antidepressant, has been used in kleptomania and other impulse control disorders such as binge eating and OCD. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), lithium and valproic acid (sodium valproate) have been used as well.[23]


The SSRI's usage is due to the assumption that the biological dynamics of these conditions derives from low levels of serotonin in brain synapses, and that the efficacy of this type of therapy will be relevant to kleptomania and to other comorbid conditions.[24]


Opioid receptor antagonists are regarded as practical in lessening urge-related symptoms, which is a central part of impulse control disorders; for this reason, they are used in treatment of substance abuse. This quality makes them helpful in treating kleptomania and impulse control disorders in general. The most frequently used drug is naltrexone, a long-acting competitive antagonist. Naltrexone acts mainly at μ-receptors, but also antagonises κ- and λ-receptors.[25]


There have been no controlled studies of the psycho-pharmacological treatment of kleptomania. This could be as a consequence of kleptomania being a rare phenomenon and the difficulty in achieving a large enough sample. Facts about this issue come largely from case reports or from bits and pieces gathered from a comparatively small number of cases enclosed in a group series

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If you have nothing constructive to add perhaps you would like to go and make your jokes in 'I'm Bored'


I do sympathise with the OP and agree with the sensible advice that he should seek help from a doctor.

But c'mon, the jokes were funny. And pure Sheffield humour...

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I do sympathise with the OP and agree with the sensible advice that he should seek help from a doctor.

But c'mon, the jokes were funny. And pure Sheffield humour...


I agree - the jokes that I saw on here weren't particularly offensive or malicious.


I do know that most GPs have a long waiting list to see a counsellor and the counsellor's time is usually time limited to 8 - 12 sessions. However, as you were a member of the armed forces, would the Royal British Legion be a good ally in getting specialist help? Or even the MOD may have have special provision for service men and women - if they don't they ought to!


I do wish you the best of luck in your search for a solution. It sounds from your post that you've got insight and self awareness of your problem, and the honesty to tackle it head on. All those qualities will help you in overcoming your problem. Best of luck & if you need any assistance, post on here and most posters on here will do their best to help

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Yes I read the jokes earlier and didn't take any offence, I expected a few and found them funny. Was hoping to reply to a few :( Mods -could you please undelete them?


This isn't a wind-up I am genuinely addicted to shop-lifting, I get a perverse kick out of stealing from shops and then covertly placing the stolen goods in random peoples shopping bags at bus and tram stops. Eg - Some lucky lady today who boarded the 53 bus around 3pm outside old Castle Market will have the found around 6 Lynx roll-ons and around 10 packets of Sweet Corn seeds added to her shopping.


Help For Heroes are aware of my PTSD and my addiction to shop lifting and are very kindly looking into finding me more specialist help and support. My next doctors appointment isn't while the 27th May.

Edited by cardoor
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Some lucky lady today who boarded the 53 bus around 3pm outside old Castle Market will have the found around 6 Lynx roll-ons and around 10 packets of Sweet Corn seeds added to her shopping.


I should call the police, so that they can arrest that lady on the bus for handling stolen deodorant and sweet corn seeds. A crime is a crime! :rant:

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