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I'm addicted to shoplifting!

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Its like being at school. Can't even make lighthearted jokes that even the OP liked. Overmodded SF....RIP :roll:


Yes, but the mods have to walk a fine line. They were trying to stop someone's feelings being hurt, which is very laudable.


Humour is a difficult one to call.

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I got caught shoplifting in Tesco's once.

I paid for six cans of Sprite at the self checkout, but when the security guard checked my bag he discovered I'd picked seven up.



On a serious note though,I knew someone very similar to yourself,at first she stole to live,but then she was just stealing for the thrill of it.

Some of the stuff was just pointless tat.

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  • 4 months later...
It all started around 2 years ago when i was claiming JSA and Cavendish Court Job Centre sanctioned my JSA 4 times within 8 weeks and I did not have a penny from the DWP for over 3 months. I appealed all 4 sanctions and eventually won and was back payed all the JSA they owed me.


Although my shoplifting started off out of sheer need and desperation, I'm now working full time and earn a moderate living, but if I go more than 3 days without shop lifting I get severely depressed and suffer more reoccurring nightmares (PTSD) of an incident whilst serving in the armed forces.


Most of the goods I steal now are worthless to me and just end up been donated to charity shops (crap such as pillow cases and candles) it's just I feel compelled to do it or feel severely depressed, and excitement is lacking in my life.


For the record I'm not trying to justify my cravings for theft but I never steal from independents.


You have an addictive personality many do, with various different addictions.

To me you sound like you need excitement and an adrenaline rush to remind you THAT YOU are alive. Your cravings are for the adrenaline rush. You need to talk it over with someone who has been seen what you are going through. Not someone that has read a few books to gain a qualification to deal with situations as you have.


The only person qualified to talk to you is the person that has been in the same position as you, and not just simply read a book at university and think they can help.


Its like an non alcoholic giving advice how to stop drinking, Etc.


---------- Post added 21-09-2014 at 01:20 ----------


Would a drug addict take advice from a person that has never taken drugs, The same with booz, shoplifting , self harming etc. Just because they went to university does not mean they understand. The only person to listen to is an EX Addict.

Edited by NightHawk33
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You have an addictive personality many do, with various different addictions.

To me you sound like you need excitement and an adrenaline rush to remind you THAT YOU are alive. Your cravings are for the adrenaline rush. You need to talk it over with someone who has been seen what you are going through. Not someone that has read a few books to gain a qualification to deal with situations as you have.


The only person qualified to talk to you is the person that has been in the same position as you, and not just simply read a book at university and think they can help.




So you're offering one on one therapy because you were or are an addicted thief?

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So you're offering one on one therapy because you were or are an addicted thief?


Can you put that in English: confused: ? ?!?


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 02:19 ----------


So you're offering one on one therapy because you were or are an addicted thief?


Let me help you hypothetically:


Your mom was a woman of the night, who better to help her than an experienced woman of the night just like your mom. Or trust in the help of someone that just read about it on the internet?


Its your mom not mine I don't care what you do!.

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