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Banning the Burqa top of BNP list LOL.

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maybe the inane trolling ******** drove them off?
Well, stop doing it then.

or facebook and crap took over?

The ones I'm thinking of were intelligent women, it's more probably the crap posted by some on here that's bored them into leaving? And I'm not just looking at you this time.

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Well, stop doing it then.


The ones I'm thinking of were intelligent women, it's more probably the crap posted by some on here that's bored them into leaving? And I'm not just looking at you this time.

i can be reasonably intelligent when pushed you know :roll:











but who wants to be tut :P

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OK, cool...


And when and why was the burka originally created? for what purpose. this is a genuine question, i am not being facetious... :)


It's to stop men gettin the horn,

and ravishing 'em.




It seems that a lack of male morals/self discipline/decency is not to blame, its them pesky sexy women with beardless faces that tempt you to sin.



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And why don't the men wear one?


Yeah that's a good question actually.

It's not that good a question, really...


It's a fallacy.


Muslim men ARE required to follow the rules of Hijaab, (covering) but, as men are differently constructed to women, (lol) what they have to cover, is navel to knee, whereas Muslim women are expected to cover their hair, and at least from their neck to wrist to amkle. (the exception being doctors/ nurses/ other medics, who have to be uncovered from wrist to elbow when examining/ touching a patient, for hygiene and cross-infection prevention purposes.)



Non-Muslim women don't where a burqa.


Strangely enough, this is yet another fallacy. Your homework this week is "learn to do your research properly".


In places like Saudi Arabia and the like, whether women are Muslim or not, in public, they are all expected to cover "according to Islam", which means at least wearing an abaya (the long dress/coat) and hijaab (scarf), and possibly the niqaab (yashmak or face-veil)


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 00:26 ----------


The burka IS offensive. Its also degrading and misogynistic.

The bnp are nobs though so this valid point they have is going to be pretty much ignored.


There are those of us who don't think the Burqa is mysogynisticm or degrading.


If the woman chooses to wear it, then why shouldn't she? If we are free to wear as little as a bikini in public, what is so frightening about a woman wanting to keep herself covered?


Folk don't seem to get that being forced to not wear the burqa is as bad an oppression as for the few women who are forced to wear it.

Oppression is wrong, either way. you are exchanging one oppression for another.


I do however agree with your premise, that the BNP are Nobs. I agree, in buckets

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Strangely enough, this is yet another fallacy. Your homework this week is "learn to do your research properly".


In places like Saudi Arabia and the like, whether women are Muslim or not, in public, they are all expected to cover "according to Islam", which means at least wearing an abaya (the long dress/coat) and hijaab (scarf), and possibly the niqaab (yashmak or face-veil)

Women are forced to do what :)


Again we come to the nuck of it ,why it is all one sided where your expected forced to comply in Muslim countries to fit in to the culture, but have Muslims here and its a case of the culture has to adapt and adopt.


The sooner we go down the France route the better, and then when it is law the women will be really free, without having to feel they must comply with a garment that is either put upon them or used as a protest against the established Christian ethos nation that they 'choose' to live in.


All this you are free to wear what you want is nonsense, if BNP member started walking about in Nazi uniforms they would be arrested on the spot for causing racial unrest.

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Shut up you...These ladies are beautiful. No make up required either!


That's what I like about Indian women. Dark hair and eyes :love::love:


Now you're trying too hard..you'll be telling me I'm suggesting you're a misogynist next.:roll:

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Plaintalker, you're supposed to be an intelligent western woman, why are you posting this sexist claptrap about specific clothing for men and women, as though it's reasonable, normal and expected to be tamely accepted? You've not even got the excuse of being brainwashed by it from birth, being a mature convert to Islam, as I gather.


A lot of women and men don't want to be seeing a man's exposed chest either so how come they're ok to expose their tits? It doesn't make any sense.


And as for forcing western women, even our Queen as I remember, to follow their archaic dress code in their country, at the same time as criticising NORWAY for the culture in their country, fgs, what's all that about?

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I also don't see why the religious should get special treatment to accommodate their silliness.


They don't since you're perfectly entitled to wear a burka if you want to, I've yet to see a burka wearer be required to carry an ID card confirming their religious affiliation.


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 07:39 ----------


It's to stop men gettin the horn,

and ravishing 'em.




It seems that a lack of male morals/self discipline/decency is not to blame, its them pesky sexy women with beardless faces that tempt you to sin.




Presumably that's the reason Christian nuns wear a wimple and habit?


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 07:41 ----------


Yeh! That's great.


Let them hold the queues up. If they don't take off their silly masks,don't serve them. There's always on-line banking.


At what point during a banking transaction is proof of your identity required? I can't think of any time when I've been in a bank and been required to confirm my identity..pin number, signature-job done.

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Plaintalker, you're supposed to be an intelligent western woman, why are you posting this sexist claptrap about specific clothing for men and women, as though it's reasonable, normal and expected to be tamely accepted? You've not even got the excuse of being brainwashed by it from birth, being a mature convert to Islam, as I gather.


A lot of women and men don't want to be seeing a man's exposed chest either so how come they're ok to expose their tits? It doesn't make any sense.


And as for forcing western women, even our Queen as I remember, to follow their archaic dress code in their country, at the same time as criticising NORWAY for the culture in their country, fgs, what's all that about?


have a think about it :roll: think about our culture and traditions, and the differences between men and women and our more sublimanal sexist thoughts and behaviors, its still there, just hidden more

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