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Banning the Burqa top of BNP list LOL.

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There are those of us who don't think the Burqa is mysogynisticm or degrading.


If the woman chooses to wear it, then why shouldn't she? If we are free to wear as little as a bikini in public, what is so frightening about a woman wanting to keep herself covered?


Folk don't seem to get that being forced to not wear the burqa is as bad an oppression as for the few women who are forced to wear it.

Oppression is wrong, either way. you are exchanging one oppression for another.


I do however agree with your premise, that the BNP are Nobs. I agree, in buckets


The Women's National Anti-Suffrage League formed at the start of the 19th century. They too accepted the cultural discrimination and oppression of the time. But their opinion does not change the fact that they were the subjects of discrimination and oppression.


The same is true in Islamic culture and the burka is a visible symbol of that discrimination and oppression. That fact that some women 'choose' to submit doesn't change the facts.


They don't since you're perfectly entitled to wear a burka if you want to, I've yet to see a burka wearer be required to carry an ID card confirming their religious affiliation.


Come now BF - I expect more of you than a duplicitous attempt at a 'technicality' argument like that! Those wearing religious attire are given special treatment to accommodate the beliefs of the religious. Equality of treatment requires a decision (re face covering) that applies to all or none. The difficulties a decision may pose to those who handicap themselves with self-imposed religious restrictions should be of no concern... their choice, their problem.


have a think about it :roll: think about our culture and traditions, and the differences between men and women and our more sublimanal sexist thoughts and behaviors, its still there, just hidden more


And let's go with that thought a bit longer... We don't have complete equality (doubt we ever will because men and women are actually different - another debate!) but is the now common sight of burka wearing women a sign of culture evolving towards greater equality or regression away from greater equality?


We shouldn't replace one form of oppression (the burka) with another (a ban on the burka) but we should stop making special accommodations that helps to perpetuate the later form of oppression. Especially when accommodations are at the expense of the rest of society who make different religious choices - they get treated differently.

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Presumably that's the reason Christian nuns wear a wimple and habit?


No, I think that's because its a portrayal that they're brides (property?) of Christ, not brides of the taxi driver next door.


To be honest don't think I've every seen a traditionally attired Nun doing some shopping down town, struggling on the bus with a load of shopping and pram etc

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Presumably that's the reason Christian nuns wear a wimple and habit?
How long is it since you'e seen a nun wearing a wimple and habit in public? I think they'd already given it up when I was a kid at school, so at least 25-30 years ago.


Anyway, totally different thing, they wear the religious habit to show they're special, set apart, and dedicated to god and not to a man. And it never covered their face, not nothing like a burqa or face mask


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If the woman chooses to wear it, then why shouldn't she? If we are free to wear as little as a bikini in public, what is so frightening about a woman wanting to keep herself covered?


If a woman was conditioned to think that sticking pins in her eyes was a good idea, then why shouldn't she?


Folk don't seem to get that being forced to not wear the burqa is as bad an oppression as for the few women who are forced to wear it.

Oppression is wrong, either way. you are exchanging one oppression for another.


Completely agree. You can't bluntly force people to do or not do something; but is it okay to subtly control and manipulate other people in to certain patterns of behaviour?


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 11:05 ----------


Also, something I find quite ironic, it this group who kidnapped the school girls in Nigeria. They're called 'Boko Haram' which, as I understand it, means 'no western education'?


Yet, in one of their videos, they're seen with modern weapons.




How do they think these weapons are made, without western education? (science etc)

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cos the worlds always been a mans world? so make up the rules?

so its not a good question really :roll:


That's just a terrible reply mel.


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 11:07 ----------


I'm hearing you but we keep being told that the burqa is not a symbol of Islamic patriarchy but its hard to see it as anything other than that.


It's just insecure idiot's, who can't deal with the fact other men may ogle their baby.:hihi:


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 11:11 ----------


One did .......and disappeared out of the country right under the noses of the plod looking for him.


Well that says it all for the security at air/sea ports, if they're too scared to demand the person takes off their mask for id.

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