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Banning the Burqa top of BNP list LOL.

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I put "a spate of" and "banks don't consider them a significant risk".


If 1% of people who go into a bank wearing a crash helmet try to rob it, it's a significant risk. If 0.000001% of people do it's not. Same with burkas.


its still been used and will be used in the future, nip it in the bud ;)

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I put "a spate of" and "banks don't consider them a significant risk".


If 1% of people who go into a bank wearing a crash helmet try to rob it, it's a significant risk. If 0.000001% of people do it's not. Same with burkas.


Wrong measure.


If 1% of robbers are identified when they cover their face and 95% are identified when they haven't covered their face then you don't let people with their faces covered into banks!

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What is it about the actual burka (worn by other people) that offends you?


If a person goes in a bank wearing a crash helmet he/she has to remove it.I understand the reasons for that. If a person goes in wearing a burka they cannot be recognised for the same reason-their head is covered.:huh: That cannot be right.


It is a potential security issue in a bank. A wanted man wearing a burka escaped through security at an airport not that long ago. I am not offended by the wearing of a burka -live and let live. What next, banning the Asian type clothes that men wear around Firth park?:roll:


I think it is the fact that many of the women who wear it have no option. I know they will come on here and spout about it being their choice, but that probably wasn't an option either.


---------- Post added 07-05-2014 at 16:09 ----------


No one is telling the women to cover up, burka wearers wear it because they want to and the forced to wear it argument is a load of crap.


And the fact that most muslim men get so upset at the very mention of banning it probably proves my last post.

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I think it is the fact that many of the women who wear it have no option. I know they will come on here and spout about it being their choice, but that probably wasn't an option either.


---------- Post added 07-05-2014 at 16:09 ----------



And the fact that most muslim men get so upset at the very mention of banning it probably proves my last post.


My understanding of the burqa is that woman wear it to hide their beauty from the prying eyes of men other than their husbands....

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No girl or woman should be forced to wear it..... unless she wants to. It wouldnt be difficult to pass a law that forcing her to wear it is an offence against her civil rights and bugger it all if it interferes with religion. Religious beliefs that interfere with equality and freedom cannot be tolerated in a democratic society.

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No girl or woman should be forced to wear it..... unless she wants to. It wouldnt be difficult to pass a law that forcing her to wear it is an offence against her civil rights and bugger it all if it interferes with religion. Religious beliefs that interfere with equality and freedom cannot be tolerated in a democratic society.


That goes for EVERY religion!

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Wrong measure.


If 1% of robbers are identified when they cover their face and 95% are identified when they haven't covered their face then you don't let people with their faces covered into banks!


If 50% of bank robbers conceal a weapon in their clothes nobody's going to insist anyone entering a bank should be naked. The whole burka/bank robbery argument is a straw man - objections to burka wearing should be more substantive.


Wearing a burka doesn't seem to be a fundamental part of being a Muslim, otherwise all Muslim women would wear them. I think those women who choose to wear the burka are culturally conditioned to do so - they are not really free not to wear them because they'd face censure from the families and/or community.

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I don't particularly like the Burka, but I'd hardly have it at the top of my 'to do' list if I was to gain power.....Banning Ant and Deck would be number one priority. :hihi:






You've got my vote Doom

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I find the whole issue of Burqa's really difficult as it tugs at all sorts of liberal strands inside me. On the one hand there is the freedom of expression, whether religious or not, on the other hand there is the inert nature of gender suppression that can not be denied with them (regardless of whether the women choose to or not). I also know that it is used as a tool by extreme islamists to gain control of a population, as has happened in the revolution in Persia with the rise of the Ayatollah and all the consequences of suppressing women that ensued.


I find it so complicated that, for once, I have no defined opinion on the matter.


(But I do know that the BNP is against everything I stand for!)

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