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Banning the Burqa top of BNP list LOL.

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As a female, i find the burka offensive!! If i was made to wear one through a man made up religion i'd throw a hissy fit so hard and fast i'd give myself aneurism... On the other hand, you have to respect other womens views, im sure there are many who do not share my opinion.


I don't support the BNP by the way.

and what about those women that WANT to wear it?

weve had this debate lots of times on here, you DONT get rid of oppression by oppressing :suspect:


---------- Post added 07-05-2014 at 18:35 ----------


I just personally don't want to be told to cover up! it's that simple, im not religious..... As i have said, many woman won't share my opinion, and i respect other women and their views on it...


And no, your last comment is a little OTT don't you think? Mens clothing and a woman wearing a burka is very different....

and what about "our" society and women being told its right to wear as little as possible? surely thats sexist too?

its about compromise and finding the middle ground


some women want to wear a burka, some women are forced

some could say some women like to wear the least possible, some would say its our society that fosters that indoctrination


its about cutting out the force without impinging on peoples freedoms

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when where and why would you wear a Balaclava?


I think that's part of the poster's point, you don't need a reason to wear it.


---------- Post added 07-05-2014 at 18:37 ----------


Wrong measure.


If 1% of robbers are identified when they cover their face and 95% are identified when they haven't covered their face then you don't let people with their faces covered into banks!


..and that's the matter for the institution isn't it after consideration of the risk? It's not a legislative issue.

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The same reason as the habit surely?


What smoking ? :hihi:


---------- Post added 07-05-2014 at 19:18 ----------


in britain?


cos theres muslims here LOL come on use yer brain ffs


I won't bother reporting the text talk :D


But the Burqua has nothing to do with the religion, so how did it come about and why is it needed in this country besides being a defiance against the culture here ?

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No one is telling the women to cover up, burka wearers wear it because they want to and the forced to wear it argument is a load of crap.
Maybe not in the UK but women in Saudi, Iran and Afghanistan to name three, they are forced to cover up, or not go out in public. Isn't that the case?


And it seems to be gaining in popularity over here now, I seem to be seeing more tiny women/girls covered from head to toe even with gloves on, closely accompanied by big, old bearded men in traditional outfits, and that's in Woodseats. Which has never been one of your actual heartlands of Islam in the past.


It's not a good development for the women, imo, and it makes you wonder what the men are trying to hide.

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Sure you do if its cold, that what they were invented for.
Do you need to provide a reason in order to wear one?

Has anyone answered why the Burqua is here yet ?


No, but then noones answered why people decorate their skin with tattoos or women have boob jobs either.

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Do you need to provide a reason in order to wear one?
I'm sorry I thought that you went to a country and adopted its customs and accepted where you were ? I must write to the Saudies and explain its not a problem to have sex out of marriage ect



No, but then no ones answered why people decorate their skin with tattoos or women have boob jobs either.
Is it because thats part of our culture ?

I think tattooing has been here since the iron age or there abouts ?

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It's not a good development for the women, imo, and it makes you wonder what the men are trying to hide.

it doesnt make me wonder, i just get on with my life and let them get on with theirs :roll:

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