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Banning the Burqa top of BNP list LOL.

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I got one of their flyers through the letter box today. What a bunch of idiots. On the flyer is a list, and at the top of this list is banning the burka. Quote> because it is threatening and offensive< Quote LOL. Now if it had been huddies on Saturday night I could understand it Even screaming Lord sutch had a better chance of retaining his deposit. :hihi:


They won’t even succeed by way of protest votes.


The burka IS offensive. Its also degrading and misogynistic.

The bnp are nobs though so this valid point they have is going to be pretty much ignored.

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That is the decision to be made - it is either reasonable or it isn't. And if it is unreasonable (because it is low risk) then it is unreasonable to ask anyone to uncover their face, including those wearing helmets or balaclavas. The 'religious' element doesn't mean you obscure the facial features any more or less and it is therefore neither here nor there when assessing the risk/reasonableness. If you ban the wearing of helmets and balaclavas in banks then you need to ban the wearing of burkas too.


You're arguing that the decision criteria should only be 'Is their face covered or not?' The banks are taking a more nuanced approach - 'Is their face covered by a garment bank robbers have frequently worn?' It surely makes sense for banks to choose security measures that, while effective, minimise the number of people affected by them.


There are many reasons to object to burkas - I agree with many of them. It's just that the bank thing is a poor one.

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People should be free to wear a Burqa if they wish, it is a free country (up to a point) and if people want to segregate themselves from mainstream society that's their look out.

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People should be free to wear a Burqa if they wish, it is a free country (up to a point) and if people want to segregate themselves from mainstream society that's their look out.


And if folk who own businesses want to put up a sign saying







that's ok too.


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 12:29 ----------


You're arguing that the decision criteria should only be 'Is their face covered or not?' The banks are taking a more nuanced approach - 'Is their face covered by a garment bank robbers have frequently worn?' It surely makes sense for banks to choose security measures that, while effective, minimise the number of people affected by them.


There are many reasons to object to burkas - I agree with many of them. It's just that the bank thing is a poor one.







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and what about those women that WANT to wear it?

weve had this debate lots of times on here, you DONT get rid of oppression by oppressing :suspect:


---------- Post added 07-05-2014 at 18:35 ----------


and what about "our" society and women being told its right to wear as little as possible? surely thats sexist too?

its about compromise and finding the middle ground


some women want to wear a burka, some women are forced

some could say some women like to wear the least possible, some would say its our society that fosters that indoctrination


its about cutting out the force without impinging on peoples freedoms


Women, from every walk of life should be able to do as they wish..... with modesty! absolutely....


As i have said, other women will not share my view on the burqa... i care not for the male opinion of it... No uterus, no opinion :D

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why do people focus on the issue of banks, I'm sure the bnps bugbear about the burka is far more wide ranging than purely ONE institution?


Co-Op. I've know bikers refused service to buy milk or bread because they had their helmets on even though the helmet didn't hide the face. On th eother hand I've queued with burka-clad women (I assume they were women) in Co-Op who were served cigarettes without challenge.

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Co-Op. I've know bikers refused service to buy milk or bread because they had their helmets on even though the helmet didn't hide the face. On th eother hand I've queued with burka-clad women (I assume they were women) in Co-Op who were served cigarettes without challenge.


Reading this, I'm gutted Burkas weren't around when I was a teen. Would have helped my attempts to illegally purchase alcohol a breeze!



For any present day teens who maybe reading this thread, this is of course a joke and I would highly advise against obtaining a Burka for this purpose.

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The burka IS offensive. Its also degrading and misogynistic.

The bnp are nobs though so this valid point they have is going to be pretty much ignored.


To state that something is offensive or not offensive is subjective. What part of that are you struggling to comprehend?

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You're arguing that the decision criteria should only be 'Is their face covered or not?' The banks are taking a more nuanced approach - 'Is their face covered by a garment bank robbers have frequently worn?' It surely makes sense for banks to choose security measures that, while effective, minimise the number of people affected by them.


There are many reasons to object to burkas - I agree with many of them. It's just that the bank thing is a poor one.


The chances of a stick-em-up robber wearing a burka may be statistically less than wearing a motorcycle helmet but that is not the risk. The risk is not being able to identify people committing crime and banks are susceptible to more crime than just stick-em-up robbers! Fraud is also a big issue e.g. people obtaining money using a stolen card or by making a bogus mortgage application. We need to be able to identfy these people and that is very difficult if their faces are covered... and it doesn't matter what the covering is!


If banks allow burkas then it isn't because they see that form of face covering as less of a risk. It is because they fear being prosecuted for discrimination, which is a favourite passtime of the religious who proclaim not to want to impose themselves on others but do. Anti-discrimination laws (or the interpretation of them) has gone too far and we need to push back. We cannot have different rules for people because of their religious beliefs because that is itself discrimination.

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