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Facebook being used as propaganda for the stupid!

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I like Facebook, or at least I used to. Has anyone else noticed the torrent of hard core right wing pages that seem to be emerging lately?

I'm not proud of the fact, but am "friends" with several idiots that share posts from these pages. One of them being Britain First Says Boycot Subway! To be honest, some of them are worth a look, just for the idiot comments some people put on them!

It's pretty obvious that these sites are getting more and more hardcore. Some of them started out as serious political pages, but their messages are getting quite dangerous, in my opinion; especially when anyone of any age can access them.

It's also becoming obvious that some people don't even know what they are liking. One of my "friends" likened the horse meat scandal to the Subway story. She thought Subway were sneaking halal meat into their products without telling their customers?!?

I think these pages are becoming dangerous, before we know it, they'll be inciting violence and turning people into racists.

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They are indeed irritating (as most adverts/pop-ups are), but there is no obligation to read them, is there?They are presumably what is funding fb and making huge profits for it. If you don't like it, close your account and tell fb why.


Then just talk to your friends in the old-fashioned way! Tell them you think they're idiots.

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The number of people who share things without verifying that they aren't twaddle does get to me sometimes and I do an awful lot of posting Snopes links on their shares.


Doesn't that happen in normal everyday life though, bloke says something to his mates in the pub and it will inevitably be passed on to others even though it might be untrue.

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