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Facebook being used as propaganda for the stupid!

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I like Facebook, or at least I used to. Has anyone else noticed the torrent of hard core right wing pages that seem to be emerging lately?

I'm not proud of the fact, but am "friends" with several idiots that share posts from these pages. One of them being Britain First Says Boycot Subway! To be honest, some of them are worth a look, just for the idiot comments some people put on them!

It's pretty obvious that these sites are getting more and more hardcore. Some of them started out as serious political pages, but their messages are getting quite dangerous, in my opinion; especially when anyone of any age can access them.

It's also becoming obvious that some people don't even know what they are liking. One of my "friends" likened the horse meat scandal to the Subway story. She thought Subway were sneaking halal meat into their products without telling their customers?!?

I think these pages are becoming dangerous, before we know it, they'll be inciting violence and turning people into racists.


I liked a few pages on there. One being anti Islam and another being Islam against the world. It's scary seeing hatred that strong. It's one man creating brain washing to all. I think Facebook should monitor these pages/sites and get rid of them!


The other things I see popping up time to time are images of beaten children or animals. A few of my friends have wrote messages about these disgusting pages.

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They can also access this stuff online, you know, by googling? So no, I don't see why Facebook would be different.


You can block web pages with parental control. You can't block all the facebook pages they see without going on to their account, searching for those pages, liking them then blocking their content.

Only other thing you can do is ban them from using facebook, which in my case would be rather hypocritical.


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 09:11 ----------


I liked a few pages on there. One being anti Islam and another being Islam against the world. It's scary seeing hatred that strong. It's one man creating brain washing to all. I think Facebook should monitor these pages/sites and get rid of them!


The other things I see popping up time to time are images of beaten children or animals. A few of my friends have wrote messages about these disgusting pages.


Yes, I've seen those too. Graphic pictures of beaten children, animals, etc. They all have a sob story attached to them. It's pretty obvious that these pictures have been Googled and the stories have been made up. It's a sick attention seeking way to get people to 'like' your post.

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The internet and the media in general is awash with propaganda, it's not exclusive to facebook or just one side of the political spectrum, it's everywhere including this forum, right, left, black, white, gay , straight etc etc ...... !

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