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Is Nick Clegg right

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Thats odd because it conflicts with this.




It is illegal to:



carry a knife in public without good reason - unless it’s a knife with a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less, eg a Swiss Army knife


All these victorinox SAK lock http://www.victorinox.com/ch/category/Category/Pocket-knives-with-lock-blade/1004;jsessionid=EEDF9EA9F1D103F3FBF72AE83DF88FA0?f=category&v=1/100/1004&m=add&


Doesn't look like one in the picture though - I suspect it's being used as a generic term. He doesn't look like a knife wielding murderer though. Who has benifited from this trial and conviction?

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All these victorinox SAK lock http://www.victorinox.com/ch/category/Category/Pocket-knives-with-lock-blade/1004;jsessionid=EEDF9EA9F1D103F3FBF72AE83DF88FA0?f=category&v=1/100/1004&m=add&


Doesn't look like one in the picture though - I suspect it's being used as a generic term. He doesn't look like a knife wielding murderer though. Who has benifited from this trial and conviction?


No one, and it appears on this occasion that the law didn't work as intended, when you look at the rules he shouldn't have been charged or convicted, maybe the court had information that we aren't privy too.

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Anyone caught with a knife twice has not learnt the lesson the first time. Its not something you can choose to ignore, the reason for having a knife is for one purpose and that is to cause harm to another or to defend yourself against other people that would carry them.


You have to break the cycle, its no good just repeatedly ignoring the issue over and over, we have gun laws and would not offer the same amount of ignorance over a gun toting person.

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Anyone caught with a knife twice has not learnt the lesson the first time. Its not something you can choose to ignore, the reason for having a knife is for one purpose and that is to cause harm to another or to defend yourself against other people that would carry them.


You have to break the cycle, its no good just repeatedly ignoring the issue over and over, we have gun laws and would not offer the same amount of ignorance over a gun toting person.


Yeah and when they get out of prison the first thing they do is go and get another gun


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 06:20 ----------


Really? You'll be telling us the Pope's a catholic next.


Why would I do that?

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Anyone caught with a knife twice has not learnt the lesson the first time. Its not something you can choose to ignore, the reason for having a knife is for one purpose and that is to cause harm to another or to defend yourself against other people that would carry them.


You have to break the cycle, its no good just repeatedly ignoring the issue over and over, we have gun laws and would not offer the same amount of ignorance over a gun toting person.


I wouldn't have a problem with a statutory punishment of a prison term for being caught with a knife twice, I just want it tested in our courts before handing it out.


Again, why should the police be able to lock people up without the court's agreement? We have a justice system that works and I don't see why it has to take this short cut for knife-carriers.

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I wouldn't have a problem with a statutory punishment of a prison term for being caught with a knife twice, I just want it tested in our courts before handing it out.


Again, why should the police be able to lock people up without the court's agreement? We have a justice system that works and I don't see why it has to take this short cut for knife-carriers.


The police do it all the time and its a necessary part of their job.

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No ivanava, they don't. They hold people when they are under arrest, that isn't the same as the police deciding they are guilty and going straight to jail.


They decide that someone is guilty of being drunk and disorderly so they lock them up and more often than not release them when they are sober.

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They decide that someone is guilty of being drunk and disorderly so they lock them up and more often than not release them when they are sober.


You are comparing apples and pears here and you know it. These drunk and disorderly arrests are arrests - they are not court judgements and in fact the prosecutor still has to be involved to decide on a punishment tested according to law.

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You are comparing apples and pears here and you know it. These drunk and disorderly arrests are arrests - they are not court judgements and in fact the prosecutor still has to be involved to decide on a punishment tested according to law.


And the new knife law will work the same, police arrest, lock up if necessary for public safety, take to court and if convicted go to prison.


Justice Secretary Chris Grayling wants to impose a mandatory six-month jail term for any adult convicted of a second offence involving a knife.


The police don't convict they arrest, so just because someone is arrested twice for carrying a knife doesn't mean they will be convicted twice or even once.

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