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Why can't we all just say and think what we want

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I was making light fun of it :roll:


Sometimes it's very difficult to tell if someone is being sarcastic or just stupid. Especially when you have to base your decision on only their previous posts and not actually knowing them.

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Sometimes it's very difficult to tell if someone is being sarcastic or just stupid. Especially when you have to base your decision on only their previous posts and not actually knowing them.


I think you, I and Halibut are all guilty of that, no?

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...... that the term 'yank' isn't gender, age, sexuality, size, religion or race specific...as far as you know the poster was deriding all those middle aged American, fat, burka wearing lesbians out there :hihi:


The term yank is even if only mildly largely considered to be perjorative when not being used by people from the United states although when persons of some parts of the US refer to some people from some other parts it would also be considered perjorative.






Brits and auzzies in particular commonly call american yanks as a general term for all americans probably without knowing the history of the term.



The term 'wog' when applied to all foreigners is regarded as being both informal and even jocular especially by australians.


In the UK and the usa it is considered by so many people to be offensive that characters in children's stories stories are no longer the fictionally created golliwogs, or the story disappears, and that robinsons the jam makers stopped putting golliwogs on their products to be collected and redeemed for anyone of a number of golliwog statuettes.


Surely it follows that if such an innocuous word like wog is offensive then the term yank is also.



However the derogatory nature of the term yank to americans aside;


My observation was that the poster said that he 'hates yanks'.

I was merely pointing out that there are people who would normally object to someone saying something similar about people from another country. They are, by remaining silent, when such a general and probably considered to be racist comment about Americans from the US is used applying a double standard.



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Yeah, course you were. Not.


Taking away the banter for a minute. I was joking with you. I know most of the time people laugh at you, but on this occasion I wasn't.



Miserable old git

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After the recent media storms over UKIP candidates making "offensive" remarks and Jeremy Clarkson supposedly mumbling the N word, here's a suggestion.


Why can't we all just say and think whatever we want and stop worrying about who we offend? Regardless of whether you're left wing right wing, black, white, straight gay or whatever, we should all be free to express ourselves however we like, even if it upsets people.


I do and don't care what anyone thinks. Simple!

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No, I'm suggesting that the fact that some people might be offended should not prevent people from voicing unpopular opinions.


Theres a difference between voicing unpopular opinions and those opinions which by what they express or how they are expressed are illegal. If you express yourself and remain within the law then fill your boots no matter how unpopular or vile your opinions may be.


I can see why you the law provides rules to protect against:


People telling lies about other people.

People harassing others.

People maliciously causing distress.

Deterring the incitement of racism and religious intolerance.


If you want to involve yourself in those rickie then you have to be prepared to deal with the consequences. Its because the right to free speech is not unlimited and in the above situations the rights of others take precedent.


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 23:42 ----------


In Australia, the term 'wog' is used as a slur or pejorative against people of Mediterranean ethnicity who reside in the main cities of Australia. The slur became widely diffused with an increase in immigration from Mediterranean and Southern Europe in the 20th and 21st centuries. These new arrivals were perceived by the traditional Anglo-Saxon-Celtic majority population as too incompatible and contrasting with the larger Anglo-Australian culture. Mediterraneans were often labeled as unassimilable "others," both culturally and physically different (being seen as "swarthy" or "non-white.")


"Wog" is used particularly against immigrants in places in Australia, mainly Sydney and Melbourne. These cover those of Southern European, Eastern European, Western European, Levantine, Turkish, and Caucasian heritage.

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