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Saudi journalist gets 10 years & 1000 lashes

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have you not seen the other threads about subway etc :roll:


Yes I have, and you have seen my opinion there as well.


If you don't want muslims to take over your land than don't treat them like underlings and integrate them into society through respectful dialogue, this might be asking a lot, but then so does forgiving the miscarriages of justice committed against muslims by previous governments.


Hate will only propagate hate.


---------- Post added 11-05-2014 at 19:40 ----------


My local Imam is Anjem Choudary :( and he wants Muslims to Take Over Great Britain.


It appears the more liberal Muslims aren't overly welcomed by the more extreme Muslims.


Taj Hargey


"Today is a great day for British Islam," he declared triumphantly. "Liberal, progressive Muslims have finally won a battle against the extremists that dominate the Muslim establishment in Britain."


Dr Hargey, a clean-shaven imam from Oxford who describes himself as a "thorn in the side of the Muslim hierarchy", had just won a libel claim against a conservative Muslim newspaper that claimed he belonged to a sect which many in his faith believe is heretical. A South African anti-apartheid campaigner who has lived in Britain on and off for the past three decades, Dr Hargey has made many enemies because of his liberal brand of Islam which he preaches from a small assembly hall.


Unlike most British imams who insist on segregation during Friday prayers, Dr Hargey allows men and women to pray in the same room. He believes Muslims should not feel compelled to grow beards or wear a veil and last November his mosque became the first in Britain to allow a female Islamic scholar to lead Friday prayers.

If he is your local imam, than come with me when I engage in dialogue with him.

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Talking to him isn't going to change what he wants.


Talking with him will give us an understanding of what he wants, if we want to stop him succeeding we need to establish why he seeks the things he seeks.


Dialogue is underrated, this is why we have so many disenfranchised people in our society.

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Talking with him will give us an understanding of what he wants, if we want to stop him succeeding we need to establish why he seeks the things he seeks.


Dialogue is underrated, this is why we have so many disenfranchised people in our society.


But I already know what he want and why he wants it and he isn't a disenfranchised person.

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So how will talking to him change the views of the people that follow him.


Oh ivanava, sometimes I do worry about you.


If you want his followers to listen to you whilst you never took the time to talk to the man or listen to what he has to say, how do you know what the followers would want? How can you offer them something in dialogue?

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Oh ivanava, sometimes I do worry about you.


If you want his followers to listen to you whilst you never took the time to talk to the man or listen to what he has to say, how do you know what the followers would want? How can you offer them something in dialogue?


But I have listened to what he has to say and I also know what his followers want, and what they want isn't what I want or millions of other British people want.

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So how will talking to him change the views of the people that follow him.


Because he is wrong isn't he? You on the other hand with vast swaths of Islamic knowledge will change him to a moderate..hence all his followers will turn moderate..


Now's your chance, you've been given an opportunity, an offer, not internet trolling..the real stuff..c'mon man, do us proud.

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