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How is your meat killed?

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I've tried to engage you in conversation multiple times, the best you can come up with one sentence replies which are at best, gibberish.


a lot can be said in one sentence to/by them that is not behind the door :roll:

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or is it that you too thick to comprehend ? well we better leave it at that for now or we will get told off lol :D


You might, resorting to insults as you can't quite communicate what you're actually trying to say properly.

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You might, resorting to insults as you can't quite communicate what you're actually trying to say properly.


work it out you insulted from the off, being a dolls head you may not have realised please go back and read

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As long as its dead, who cares, as the industrial mass animal murder machine provides bits of corpses for ready consumption. Humans enjoy the result of murdering billions of animals and birds a year, and why not, they are created to be eaten, killed off a long time before their natural lifetime ends, and we love celebrating the apocalyptic slaughter at Christmas.


So people want them killed with a silver knife, or stone tool, electrocuted, or captive bolt, as long as it kills, we want to eat the flesh, some like it almost raw, others differ in refinement of the carcass consumption.


So the ritual of consumption of the dead is a practice humanity excels at, with ritual carving, demonstrating domination over all animal species. When cooked in spices and herbs it is only after enjoying how delicious is was that the shock of being told it was dog, cat, horse, gerbil, pigeon, snake, and others exotics, that turn the smile and contentment to a need to decorate the toilet, making such people somewhat hypocrites.

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As long as its dead, who cares, as the industrial mass animal murder machine provides bits of corpses for ready consumption. Humans enjoy the result of murdering billions of animals and birds a year, and why not, they are created to be eaten, killed off a long time before their natural lifetime ends, and we love celebrating the apocalyptic slaughter at Christmas.


So people want them killed with a silver knife, or stone tool, electrocuted, or captive bolt, as long as it kills, we want to eat the flesh, some like it almost raw, others differ in refinement of the carcass consumption.


So the ritual of consumption of the dead is a practice humanity excels at, with ritual carving, demonstrating domination over all animal species. When cooked in spices and herbs it is only after enjoying how delicious is was that the shock of being told it was dog, cat, horse, gerbil, pigeon, snake, and others exotics, that turn the smile and contentment to a need to decorate the toilet, making such people somewhat hypocrites.


Actually throughout nature the living consume the dead. Not nice but certainly not confined to humans.

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