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How is your meat killed?

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Kick the chickens if they are bouncing about? Well wouldn't you be bouncing about if your hung upside down in someone's hand along with another 8 or so!!!


Do you have any clue on how commercial farms are ran?

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People that say halal or kosher butchery is barbaric really haven't got a clue. If that is your view than stop eating meat as soon as possible. Meat is dead animals, period.


Halal/Kosher butchery (the old style) is only allowed through a special exemption.


If anyone else attempted it they'd be shut down and prosecuted as it does cause undue suffering to the animals.


The modern style is almost identical to normal slaughter anyway.

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Kick the chickens if they are bouncing about? Well wouldn't you be bouncing about if your hung upside down in someone's hand along with another 8 or so!!!


Thank you, you got the point. It is barbaric, end off. Regardless of any religious approach to slaughtering.

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They might do now, when I went it was some 20 years ago. But let's not kid ourselves, slaughter is slaughter, whether old school or not. There is nothing that isn't barbaric about how your chicken ends up on your plate halal or not.


Again, speaking from my rural back-ground, I spent a night trying to learn how to catch chickens at a chicken farm (this was a free range farm btw) these chickens were six weeks old, force-raised despite being free range, so they could be sold at supermarkets around the country and EU. Every week a group of lads would come and round up the designated pen. This means that some ten fellows go in, having to fill crates with these chickens - catching them so you can carry eight at a time, sometimes you simply can't get one, it is too quick or the seven you have are bouncing around a lot, no problem, you kick it so it is stunned. If you don't manage to clear the pen with your team before the end of the shift you don't get the bonus, so pressure is on.


At the abattoir the pigs arrived in their lorries, packed together, chased out with cattle-prods (stun-guns) into another tiny pen where some brute put a cap on four of them (four at a time as that was all the electricity they could muster at one time) so 20 pigs would be sitting there looking how they get stunned in batches of four.


People that say halal or kosher butchery is barbaric really haven't got a clue. If that is your view than stop eating meat as soon as possible. Meat is dead animals, period.


It's two distinct issues really. Certainly the big issue is treating animals in a dignified and humane way without any unnecessary suffering.

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Good point, well made. It annoys me no end, I bet most people moaning have never been in an abattoir.


I worked in a Scottish abattoir, I have no objection to halal meat as long as the animal is stunned. Although listening to a representative of a Muslim slaughterhouse on the radio the other day I'm sure he said that the animals have a prayer said to them as they have their throat cut, he said they need to be able to hear that prayer. (not sure if they'll understand it tho) so that would indicate that the correct way to do it is to cut the throat without stunning. Also can someone tell me if the prayer is said before every chickens throat is cut (genuine question).

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Turns out a lot of people have been getting worked up about finding out that a lot of the meat we eat has been prepared in Halal slaughterhouses (often on the other side of the world).


For various reasons people object to this - whether it's bigotry (as is being promoted by the tabloids), genuine concern for animal welfare or a general feeling that we have lost control of our food supply chain to commercial interests who fail to label it properly, it strikes me that most people are totally ignorant of how our meat is slaughtered.


If you object to Halal slaughter, are you happy with the alternatives?


For chickens this usually means being electrocuted to death by hanging upside down and dipped in electrified water, or being gassed.


For lambs and cows a bolt is propelled in to their skull.


Pigs are either gassed or given electric shock to stop their heart.


Whatever method is used it's likely being done on a huge industrial scale in big noisy stinking warehouse somewhere.



I guess most people have no idea about this - but will happily go along with the nasty anti Muslim stance being promoted in the Sun and Mail.


So you are nasty if your anti religion?, :suspect:

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So you are nasty if your anti religion?, :suspect:


When you have a blatent anti-Islam stance, and do anything to discredit it, and it's followers, then yes that is pretty nasty.


By the way, is your signature a bit of a joke? Perhaps I'm missing something, you talk about making indoctrination a thing of the past, then post links about being atheist.

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When you have a blatent anti-Islam stance, and do anything to discredit it, and it's followers, then yes that is pretty nasty.


By the way, is your signature a bit of a joke? Perhaps I'm missing something, you talk about making indoctrination a thing of the past, then post links about being atheist.

so only anti islam, is nasty not anti christian, or any other, just islam, and how many children are going to be reading my signature in school as part of there education?


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You are all are missing the point completely. You should be concerned about the quality of life that the animal has before it is killed. I expect the people who buy eggs from caged hens are also the ones banging on about how evil halal slaughter is.

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