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How is your meat killed?

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What's that got to do with what I'm saying? As I mentioned previously, I've visited the farm, and the slaughter. I'm happy with what I'm getting, beef and chicken both cheaper per KG than basics Tesco range.


The farm would surely benefit from you passing on their details, then other people can also buy this cheap organic meat.

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The farm would surely benefit from you passing on their details, then other people can also buy this cheap organic meat.


I'm not advertising services on this forum, as far as I know that's against the rules, feel free to PM me for their details.

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When you perceive a large group of people to be taken in by a cult who have some strange and irrational beliefs and practices; is it not understandable that you may be concerned with the growth and influence of such a group?


How does that make a person nasty?

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When you perceive a large group of people to be taken in by a cult who have some strange and irrational beliefs and practices; is it not understandable that you may be concerned with the growth and influence of such a group?


How does that make a person nasty?


They're strange and irrational to you, but not them. Do you attack anyone who is strange, irrational, not to what you would consider normal?

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When you perceive a large group of people to be taken in by a cult who have some strange and irrational beliefs and practices; is it not understandable that you may be concerned with the growth and influence of such a group?


How does that make a person nasty?


:thumbsup: well said


They're strange and irrational to you, but not them. Do you attack anyone who is strange, irrational, not to what you would consider normal?


having an opinion based on their facts is not attacking, or are you attacking us all?

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No need to be so vain, my post you'll notice wasn't replying to anybody elses.


No, but it was pretty obvious considering the points you raised, also pretty obvious now that your points were of the usual "I am going to shout some SevenRivers patented nonsense and see what happens" brand.

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:thumbsup: well said




having an opinion based on their facts is not attacking, or are you attacking us all?


Am I attacking you all? What do you mean? Who am I attacking?


You can have an opinion, no one has stated any different, but to claim you are against religion is not the same as going out of your way to attack them.

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But you've been getting others beliefs pushed down your throat since you were born? Why is this different?


Let me explain: Surely you believe that it is bad to have chickens be kicked to be stunned so you can pick them up? Yet that is what happens in reality.


I really don't see how that changes with it being islam related, and if it does than I suggest you buy a nice farm somewhere and become completely self-sufficient, although even that is difficult and I wouldn't want it because I enjoy your posts too much.


Just think through what you are saying though, you will see what I mean.


Not at all Tizerjars (:D) ... I've been bought up in a religious family, but never had religion forced upon me. It's not Islam that offends my sensibilities more than any other religion ... I eschew all of them with the same contempt. I don't like wars.


I made an effort not to mention how livestock is slaughtered, as, to be honest, killing anything is pretty violent (I was aware of the maltreatment that goes on in abattoirs ... YouTube's full of it for starters), although slitting an animal's throat as a coup de grace seems rather barbaric, along the lines of Dexter in my opinion.


I just take exception to the fact that meat produce that's been killed in accordance with some misguided religious belief, is being placed on shelves without informing the customer of it. I'd feel the same if a cow had been slaughtered by nailing it to a cross, or by ingestion of hallucinogenic drugs whilst a load of people sit around in togas chanting 'Hari krishna' at it ... I wouldn't buy it ... pure and simple! It's only fair to give people a choice don't you think?


If this halal method of dispatching an animal (as we are animals, despite what some may think) causes extra grief, I don't think it's necessary do you? (as also in the cow scenario).


To be honest, I eat little meat and always try to buy from locally sourced suppliers. I certainly never eat pre-packed sausage or burgers as I know what goes into them. I guess, even as a non-religious person, I still have the vestiges of principles. I may be wrong.

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What makes you think they know nothing about the alternatives and surely if its acceptable for Muslims to refuse to eat meat killed by non Muslims, it must be acceptable for non Muslims to refuse to eat meat killed by Muslims.


If it goes down that Road, and Muslims refuse, then the spotlights on them. This is the same said for people who dislike Muslims so refuse to eat Halal.

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