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How is your meat killed?

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Not at all Tizerjars (:D) ... I've been bought up in a religious family, but never had religion forced upon me. It's not Islam that offends my sensibilities more than any other religion ... I eschew all of them with the same contempt. I don't like wars.


I made an effort not to mention how livestock is slaughtered, as, to be honest, killing anything is pretty violent (I was aware of the maltreatment that goes on in abattoirs ... YouTube's full of it for starters), although slitting an animal's throat as a coup de grace seems rather barbaric, along the lines of Dexter in my opinion.


I just take exception to the fact that meat produce that's been killed in accordance with some misguided religious belief, is being placed on shelves without informing the customer of it. I'd feel the same if a cow had been slaughtered by nailing it to a cross, or by ingestion of hallucinogenic drugs whilst a load of people sit around in togas chanting 'Hari krishna' at it ... I wouldn't buy it ... pure and simple! It's only fair to give people a choice don't you think?


If this halal method of dispatching an animal (as we are animals, despite what some may think) causes extra grief, I don't think it's necessary do you? (as also in the cow scenario).


To be honest, I eat little meat and always try to buy from locally sourced suppliers. I certainly never eat pre-packed sausage or burgers as I know what goes into them. I guess, even as a non-religious person, I still have the vestiges of principles. I may be wrong.


Fair enough Alcoblog (darn can't think of a good name!).


I am not really arguing about whether it should be labelled or not, I think it should as well to be fair. Just think it is daft that people say halal slaughter is more cruel, people saying that usually haven't spent any time in the meat industry.

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No, but it was pretty obvious considering the points you raised, also pretty obvious now that your points were of the usual "I am going to shout some SevenRivers patented nonsense and see what happens" brand.


You're talking nonesense as per usual.


I'd briefly scanned the thread, not taking particular notice of the poster of each post I read, then posted a generic reply based on some of the posts I'd read, though it is telling that you think it probably applied to one of your posts, given the rubbish you spout on here.

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Meat isn't always cheap. Lots of people living on tight household budgets want to eat meat, so they will have to buy the cheapest "factory farmed" produce, since they cannot afford the organic free range corn fed ultimate welfare standard stuff.


I find it disturbing that people on here are basically saying you may not express an opinion on religious slaughter if you buy anything but the highest standard welfare produce, ie if you are poor, and you can only afford the cheapest meat, you are not entitled to a say in this debate.


It's also the height of ignorance to suggest anybody that refuses to endorse religious slaughter, should forfeit consumption of meat, kind of a reverse bigotry.


You're talking nonesense as per usual.


I'd briefly scanned the thread, not taking particular notice of the poster of each post I read, then posted a generic reply based on some of the posts I'd read, though it is telling that you think it probably applied to one of your posts, given the rubbish you spout on here.


If you only scanned the thread, than how did you arrive at the bolded statements?


Regarding the first one, I was the one who put in the suggestion, made by a Dutch chef, that if people KNEW where their meat came from, they might be prepared to pay more. That suggestion wasn't made anywhere else and you twisted it into a rant about cheap meat and reverse bigotry.


Regarding the second point, I am still trying to work out how you arrived at the conclusion that anybody suggested that, hence it is the usual SevenRivers patented hot air.

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Not at all Tizerjars (:D) ... I've been bought up in a religious family, but never had religion forced upon me. It's not Islam that offends my sensibilities more than any other religion ... I eschew all of them with the same contempt. I don't like wars.


I made an effort not to mention how livestock is slaughtered, as, to be honest, killing anything is pretty violent (I was aware of the maltreatment that goes on in abattoirs ... YouTube's full of it for starters), although slitting an animal's throat as a coup de grace seems rather barbaric, along the lines of Dexter in my opinion.


I just take exception to the fact that meat produce that's been killed in accordance with some misguided religious belief, is being placed on shelves without informing the customer of it. I'd feel the same if a cow had been slaughtered by nailing it to a cross, or by ingestion of hallucinogenic drugs whilst a load of people sit around in togas chanting 'Hari krishna' at it ... I wouldn't buy it ... pure and simple! It's only fair to give people a choice don't you think?


If this halal method of dispatching an animal (as we are animals, despite what some may think) causes extra grief, I don't think it's necessary do you? (as also in the cow scenario).


To be honest, I eat little meat and always try to buy from locally sourced suppliers. I certainly never eat pre-packed sausage or burgers as I know what goes into them. I guess, even as a non-religious person, I still have the vestiges of principles. I may be wrong.


I think as a non-religious person, you probably are *more* principled; as your position is as a result of greater self-honesty and self-inquiry.


Great post though, and I very much agree with your position, thank you for sharing it.


Also, just to add, while I do consider most religious types to be someone misguided; this does not equate to attacking them. They are, first and foremost, like everyone else, human beings. The notion that they're a '<insert-whatever-relgion-here>' is an abstraction, that's not what you are, that's simply what you keep telling yourself you are, in your own mind.

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If you only scanned the thread, than how did you arrive at the bolded statements?


Regarding the first one, I was the one who put in the suggestion, made by a Dutch chef, that if people KNEW where their meat came from, they might be prepared to pay more. That suggestion wasn't made anywhere else and you twisted it into a rant about cheap meat and reverse bigotry.


Regarding the second point, I am still trying to work out how you arrived at the conclusion that anybody suggested that, hence it is the usual SevenRivers patented hot air.


You're so far up your own backside you credit yourself with thinking I'd targeted your posts. Sorry I was just replying to drivel.


Like I said, I wasn't taking notice of the author of the posts I was replying to, which is why I didn't use the Quote button. I'd like to say it's coincidental that you feel it applied to your posts in particular, but drivel coming from you is obviously no coincidence.

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Regardless of the method used, whether Halal or not, surely we should be given a choice?! I have no preference for either "butchering" style, as I don't know enough to be biased either way, however, I absolutely object to having one or other forced on me without my knowledge, due to those in control not wanting to offend (or indeed lose the profits of) religious customers.


I completely agree that Muslims/Jews (and any others) should be allowed to have their meat produced in the way their religion tells them to. But similarly, I expect to be allowed to have my meat NOT produced like that, since I'm NOT religious. It's a question of choice, and it appears that we aren't getting one...

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Regardless of the method used, whether Halal or not, surely we should be given a choice?! I have no preference for either "butchering" style, as I don't know enough to be biased either way, however, I absolutely object to having one or other forced on me without my knowledge, due to those in control not wanting to offend (or indeed lose the profits of) religious customers.


I completely agree that Muslims/Jews (and any others) should be allowed to have their meat produced in the way their religion tells them to. But similarly, I expect to be allowed to have my meat NOT produced like that, since I'm NOT religious. It's a question of choice, and it appears that we aren't getting one...


But do you get a choice even if it is labelled? It is increasingly common knowledge that free range is nothing more than a marketing gimmick (or at least I would hope it is) and the same goes for lots of other things regarding the food we eat.


Do you choose what MacDonalds puts in your burger? Does it matter to you?


PS I am not saying that it doesn't, I am however saying that if it does, it should go further than whether something is halal or not.

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But do you get a choice even if it is labelled? It is increasingly common knowledge that free range is nothing more than a marketing gimmick (or at least I would hope it is) and the same goes for lots of other things regarding the food we eat.


Do you choose what MacDonalds puts in your burger? Does it matter to you?


PS I am not saying that it doesn't, I am however saying that if it does, it should go further than whether something is halal or not.


If it is labelled correctly, then of course there is a choice. All I wish to be able to choose between is "is there a religious undertone to the slaughter or not". That's all. I don't eat McDonalds (it's not gluten free :( ) but if I did, I would most certainly want them to state in their outlets whether they use Halal or not.


To be quite honest, it matters to me that labelling is not enforced, as we (as consumers) have a right to know if our meat is considered religiously slaughtered or not.

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I would like to see all meat stunned if that's best for the animal, and have absolutely no objection to a prayer (in fact it sounds respectful,) but I've been toying with vegetarianism for a while, and this thread has made up my mind.

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I'm with Alcoblog. Halal and Kosher meat may normally be killed as humanely as secular meat, but it's got gods on it.

I'd rather not eat anything that's been blessed, just in case I get infected with some kind of spirituality.

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