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How are women perceived

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Sexually on music videos and in lads magazines. A women's roll is in the kitchen and to look after the children.


From men shouting ''Get your bap's out'' to ''sexism in the workplace''


How are women really perceived in the modern world. If you're a women, how do you feel about sexism and sexual images of other women.

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Sexually on music videos and in lads magazines. A women's roll is in the kitchen and to look after the children.


From men shouting ''Get your bap's out'' to ''sexism in the workplace''


How are women really perceived in the modern world. If you're a women, how do you feel about sexism and sexual images of other women.


Freudian slip there, Tipex?!


This is a huge question, too huge, perhaps. Perhaps it would help to narrow it down somewhat?


Otherwise, it's like asking : What sort of place is the world, or What are people like?

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Sounds like an essay title or something.


Dunno why it only references music videos and lads mags (which are rapidly falling out of circulation anyway)

Women's magazines are growing from strength to strength and have much worse portrayals of women.

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Sexually on music videos and in lads magazines. A women's roll is in the kitchen and to look after the children.


From men shouting ''Get your bap's out'' to ''sexism in the workplace''


How are women really perceived in the modern world. If you're a women, how do you feel about sexism and sexual images of other women.


I can honestly say that I can't think of a single occassion where I feel I have suffered from sexism. Being a woman has never hindered me in the workppace, or in any other aspect of my life . Quite the opposite really, it often helps! As for sexual images of other women, l don't see what that has got to do with anyone else bar the woman in the image? If they're happy with it then I'm happy for them, especially if they're earning good money from it.

We're no longer the delicate little flowers we once used to be you know!

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Sexually on music videos and in lads magazines. A women's roll is in the kitchen and to look after the children.


From men shouting ''Get your bap's out'' to ''sexism in the workplace''


How are women really perceived in the modern world. If you're a women, how do you feel about sexism and sexual images of other women.


Perceived by whom? Do you think that everyone in the world has the same perception?

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I can honestly say that I can't think of a single occassion where I feel I have suffered from sexism. Being a woman has never hindered me in the workppace, or in any other aspect of my life . Quite the opposite really, it often helps! As for sexual images of other women, l don't see what that has got to do with anyone else bar the woman in the image? If they're happy with it then I'm happy for them, especially if they're earning good money from it.

We're no longer the delicate little flowers we once used to be you know!


Calm down dear,it's only an internet forum.:hihi:

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