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Have you scribbled on a UKIP poster?

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The fact is that when you label UKIP racist for their stance on immigration, then you indirectly label everyone who agrees with them that this country's immigration policy and controls need radical change... which is most people. And people are sick of being labelled racist.


This sort of behaviour by the borderline-facist left only strengthens my resolve to vote UKIP. They can shove their accusations where the sun don't shine. And I don't think I'm alone... every time the left screams "racist!" support for UKIP goes up! The left needs to appease the masses and stop winding them up but they appear to remain in denial, blinded by righteous indignation, and are doing a grand job of winning votes for UKIP! :hihi:

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The left needs to appease the masses and stop winding them up but they appear to remain in denial, blinded by righteous indignation


Why? The far-left have as much chance of gaining widespread approval as the far-right - zero. Both sides have always vandalised each others publicity materials - I bet you wouldn't think twice about chucking a pile of UAF flyers in a bin if you found them in your local pub?


Have you considered that UKIP would get less accusations of racism if they didn't keep throwing people out of the party for making racist statements in public? And yes, UKIP is calling these ex-candidates racists when they get chucked out, not just the moaning lefties.

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Everywhere I go in Sheffield I see Ukip posters with ''racist'' ''F-off UKIP'' and today's scribble is a nice little Hitler tash drawn of Nigel's fore lip...


Who are you people?:hihi:


Here's a rough picture of what's to come...http://postimg.org/image/gfty4bn8v/




I wouldn't worry about it, it will just be children acting the goat. :)

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Why? The far-left have as much chance of gaining widespread approval as the far-right - zero. Both sides have always vandalised each others publicity materials - I bet you wouldn't think twice about chucking a pile of UAF flyers in a bin if you found them in your local pub?


Have you considered that UKIP would get less accusations of racism if they didn't keep throwing people out of the party for making racist statements in public? And yes, UKIP is calling these ex-candidates racists when they get chucked out, not just the moaning lefties.


None of that changes the fact that the behaviour is counter-productive to the advancement of their political beliefs... and is therefore a stupid tactic.

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a small group of leftie UKIP haters, doing their best to give an impression that nobody wants UKIP, not going to work guys, the party is gathering speed and members daily!


No surely not, adults wouldn't act so childish would they. ;)

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None of that changes the fact that the behaviour is counter-productive to the advancement of their political beliefs... and is therefore a stupid tactic.


I get the distinct impression from these types of people, both left and right, that they're more concerned with the way they get their message across than actually implementing their political beliefs.


I doubt anyone from the NF seriously believed they would one day end up running the country, and I doubt anyone from UAF does either. Doesn't mean they wouldn't like a good scrap or to set fire to each others posters.


There's more in common with football club supporters than politicians here.

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