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Have you scribbled on a UKIP poster?

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You've noticed that as well. :)


Of course he has. It's rule number #2 in the UKIP membership guide.


#1 - Blame everything on Europe.

#1.a) excepting where it's the fault of the gays

#2 - Constantly whine that you're under attack from the far left.

#3 - Post as close to the line of being -ist / -phobic as possible. Please note crossing the line will result in the termination of your membership.

#4 - Always overestimate the level of UKIP support.

#5 - If all else fails, bury head in sand.

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The irony is that UKIP are the ones being labelled all these nasty things, yet it's those opposed to UKIP who are actually acting like yobs by vandalising property and committing acts of violence.


It seems people don't want to engage in the debate, they want to stifle it.






The thing is, you say nasty things about people, they tend to bite back. As I said, this scenario reminds me of rickiethecat's thread.

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The thing is, you say nasty things about people, they tend to bite back. As I said, this scenario reminds me of rickiethecat's thread.


It's amusing how the right are always going on about free speech and scrapping political correctness, but at the same time, they don't like anyone saying anything nasty about them.


At least the left want everyone to have the same rights, even if they don't want people to be able to say offensive things for the sake of being offensive.

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Maybe it's the strange mystery scribblers who scribble 'Hammer time' underneath STOP signs? No one ever sees it happen, but someone's got a mission!


Scribbling "Hammertime" underneath a STOP sign is much more worthwhile and productive then scribbling on UKIP advertising IMHO.


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 17:13 ----------


What if a child reads it? It's wrong.


I agree. It's not right for children to be exposed to hate fuelled, shrill sensationalist UKIP gibberish on billboards! :D

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The thing is, you say nasty things about people, they tend to bite back. As I said, this scenario reminds me of rickiethecat's thread.


There's a lot of things I don't like about other political parties, but I've never felt the need to commit vandalism or acts of violence to make my point.


There's a few hundred dead British servicemen thanks to the lies of one of our mainstream political parties, but I don't see UKIP supporters or others trying so suppress free speech by commiting acts of vandalism or violence against Labour.


I think it says more about those committing such acts than it does about UKIP.


Vote UKIP if you believe in free speech and the democratic process. :)





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Do you think it's ok for idiots to vandalise posters and swear on them? that's the mentality of the people who don't support them.


What if a child reads it? It's wrong.


It's the same up here in Scotland. Faceless and cowardly cybernats abusing anyone who isn't up for the "yes" vote.


Regarding your linky pic. Didn't Adolf do pretty well for a few years anyway.

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a small group of leftie UKIP haters, doing their best to give an impression that nobody wants UKIP, not going to work guys, the party is gathering speed and members daily!


It is pretty funny. The loonies down around Heeley won't tolerate any poster that isn't for the Labour Party. It says more about those who support Labour than the posters they deface.

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It's amusing how the right are always going on about free speech and scrapping political correctness, but at the same time, they don't like anyone saying anything nasty about them.


At least the left want everyone to have the same rights, even if they don't want people to be able to say offensive things for the sake of being offensive.


It's hypocritical when people accuse one side of doing something they do themselves too, the left is as bad as the right, but it is the left who have set most of the precedents when it comes to quelling what you term as 'free speech' with their political correctness :suspect:

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It's hypocritical when people accuse one side of doing something they do themselves too, the left is as bad as the right, but it is the left who have set most of the precedents when it comes to quelling what you term as 'free speech' with their political correctness :suspect:


Wasn't it a bunch of mindless lefties trying to prevent the Lib/Dems holding a conference in Sheffield. The result was bad publicity for Sheffield, a massive bill for tax payers and a message sent to the world "Don't hold your conference in Sheffield".

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