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Have you scribbled on a UKIP poster?

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I disagree. Grafitti works best when it turns the political message back on itself - when it continues the conversation implied by the pompous statement offered by the face in the poster.(I agree that to deface/delete the original message completely is a bit pointless). There is a poster in a field near us which urges us to : Vote UKIP! Under that slogan, someone has grafitti-ed 'Why?' A perfectly valid response, do you not think?


So what you're suggesting is that I can key the message 'Why?' into the paintwork of someone's car below a sticker that says 'vote Labour', because that's a valid response to their message? :loopy:





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So what you're suggesting is that I can key the message 'Why?' into the paintwork of someone's car below a sticker that says 'vote Labour', because that's a valid response to their message? :loopy:






I ask again, were you this upset when Cameron's electioneering posters were defaced?


Honest now!





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So what you're suggesting is that I can key the message 'Why?' into the paintwork of someone's car below a sticker that says 'vote Labour', because that's a valid response to their message?




Please tell us where I have advocated scratching anyone's car. I haven't.


Election advertising posters are by their nature ephemeral, shortlived and materially valueless. They are made from cheap paper and will be binned after the election. Writing on one is totally different from vandalising someone's car.

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I ask again, were you this upset when Cameron's electioneering posters were defaced?


Honest now!






Ask again?....I didn't know you'd asked before.


I didn't know Cameron's posters had been defaced, so I can't answer the question.





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I hope those UKIPpers speaking out against this were as vocal when this happened?


Ask again?....I didn't know you'd asked before.


I didn't know Cameron's posters had been defaced, so I can't answer the question.






It was rather tucked away, look at the link in the first post and tell me you don't remember that meme on the internet. I'd genuinely be surprised if you didn't, it made the news just like these posters are doing.

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Please tell us where I have advocated scratching anyone's car. I haven't.


Election advertising posters are by their nature ephemeral, shortlived and materially valueless. They are made from cheap paper and will be binned after the election. Writing on one is totally different from vandalising someone's car.


Graffiti to or on someone else's property is vandalism, but you've said it's acceptable if it's a valid response to a message.


Keying a car is also vandalism, so surely the same rules apply.....Or do the rules only apply when it suits you?





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Graffiti to or on someone else's property is vandalism, but you've said it's acceptable if it's a valid response to a message.


Keying a car is also vandalism, so surely the same rules apply.....Or do the rules only apply when it suits you?






Completely taken out of context.





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It was rather tucked away, look at the link in the first post and tell me you don't remember that meme on the internet. I'd genuinely be surprised if you didn't, it made the news just like these posters are doing.


I don't read and click on every link posted on this forum.


I don't recall the incident in question, but if it related to the last election, I believed I voted for Cameron, so had I known about it at the time I doubt I would have been impressed.





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