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Shoulder damage

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Just a quick question - does anybody have experience of a torn shoulder tendon? I fell onto my shoulder from a height of about 3 feet 2 weeks ago. After x-rays etc I was told I had 2 small cracks to top of shoulder and a torn tendon. I assumed things would start to improve by now but if anything it's more painful. I go back to clinic next week bit just wondered if anyone had had the same injury and if an op is the way forward? Internet searches say different things - that a torn tendon doesn't heal by itself or that they heal naturally after 6 weeks or so. Yes I know I should be asking docs these questions (I will do this) and yes i know internet isn't always a good thing but just want advice from someone who's been there!


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I spent a little under a year unable to lift my upper arm due to a small tear in a tendon, which was a huge issue to me because my other arm is permanently partially paralysed anyway.


What is important for you to know is that tendons can take longer to heal than bone and no matter how well your shoulder is healing, 2 weeks is a very short time.


I think you need to talk to the doctors in clinic who will be able to tell you whether the tear is likely to be repairable by itself- some are completely torn through, others are mostly there but rather hacked off by being strained and just need the time and physio to get back to normal.


There's simply no way to know for sure which route you need to go down without speaking to a specialist orthopaedic surgeon with a specialism in shoulders. I know that it's frustrating (I've just spent 9 weeks on my backside with a cartilage injury in my knee, and I'm nowhere near recovered from it yet) but any injury causes spasm in the muscles which all takes time to heal.

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I had a fall in Spain a few years ago, I tore through the muscle I also ended up with a frozen shoulder took 9 month before I got frozen shoulder operated on and a good 12 months if not more to heal and even now still not right.


Good luck

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I had a torn rotator cuff a few years ago, it was torn in several places and I had the surgery because it was so disabling, I could barely lift anything and was in constant pain. As I recall my arm was in a sling for about six weeks after the op and I had months of physio so it's not a small op and is in itself quite disabling for a while. I'm now completely pain-free in that shoulder but it's not as strong as it was before the tear and probably never will be.

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Yes, you need the doctor to refer you to a physiotherapist.


I think an operation would be unlikely but depending on the tear shoulders take years to heal fully. You have to be very patient.


See if you can get a copy of treat your own rotator cuff.

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