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Are the media to blame for Islamophobia

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If I want to stab you then blame it on Jesus, Allah, whoever, that's just me using religion as a scape goat.


In your case I would be more likely to blame it on drugs. :)


---------- Post added 14-05-2014 at 08:59 ----------


People who can't what?


I would say he missed out the word read.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i know its not quite the same but looking on the bbc site today on mi phone and i noticed something which made me think.

a week after the elections and with the whole ukip furore i started thinking, are the bbc trying to enflame anti immigration sentiment?

i noticed not one, not 2 but 4 stories about immigrant camps, actions


is it just a coincidence? but normally its not very often you notice one, let alone 4 on the same day lol


French police move into Calais camps - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-27599827


From Kabul to Calais - The Afghans risking it all to reach Britain - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-27545079


Hundreds breach Spain enclave border - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-27602013


Deadly gamble - Haitian migrants risk their lives on sea crossing http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-27469513


or is it just a bad news day?

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i know its not quite the same but looking on the bbc site today on mi phone and i noticed something which made me think.

a week after the elections and with the whole ukip furore i started thinking, are the bbc trying to enflame anti immigration sentiment?

i noticed not one, not 2 but 4 stories about immigrant camps, actions


is it just a coincidence? but normally its not very often you notice one, let alone 4 on the same day lol


French police move into Calais camps - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-27599827


From Kabul to Calais - The Afghans risking it all to reach Britain - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-27545079


Hundreds breach Spain enclave border - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-27602013


Deadly gamble - Haitian migrants risk their lives on sea crossing http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-27469513


or is it just a bad news day?


Its news mel,post election fill the program news.

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Muslims like Russians are seen more a a developing culture, backward, as they believe in a god, therefore very middle age. Religion is seen as hokes-pokus, by the enlightened ones.


The Jehovah's Witness brigade are also seen as lost souls, despite the fact they see everyone else as such, thus they are somewhat pitied, seen as delusional, and generally not welcomed in when they knock at one's door. But they can be ignored, and they like well behaved children just go away.


So banging on about this religion or that all the time, where the so called unfortunates hide behind such flags, regarding them as part of their identity as individuals seems somewhat primitive to many, that know that if there was a god, they certainly would not let them win the lottery.


Maybe its because we started to teach our children to BELIEVE in father christmas, and when it was discovered it was fraud, no one got ta look in since..........

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Perhaps people think the stories we see in the media are untrue. Maybe sometimes the stories have been a bit embellished but that doesn't mean the event didn't happen. Here's the latest from the so-called honour killing in Pakistan, where a woman was stoned to death by her family for wanting to marry against the family's wishes http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-27614359

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Perhaps people think the stories we see in the media are untrue. Maybe sometimes the stories have been a bit embellished but that doesn't mean the event didn't happen. Here's the latest from the so-called honour killing in Pakistan, where a woman was stoned to death by her family for wanting to marry against the family's wishes http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-27614359


I was just about to post the same story, but you beat me to it.


I really hope we never see such a thing happen in this country, where freedom of choice is a right.





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I was just about to post the same story, but you beat me to it.


I really hope we never see such a thing happen in this country, where freedom of choice is a right.






Laura Wilson, from Rotherham, was stabbed to death in 2010 aged 17




Britain's first white honour killing: Teenager brutally murdered by her Muslim lover after exposing their relationship to his family


This wasn't a mugging gone wrong, or a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In fact, the mother-of-one was the victim of Britain's first white honour killing. Her death was premeditated murder, plotted and committed by the boyfriend she was madly in love with.


Laura's crime was to bring dishonour on her Muslim lover Ashtiaq Ashgar, 21, who is now serving a life sentence for the brutal murder.

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I was just about to post the same story, but you beat me to it.


I really hope we never see such a thing happen in this country, where freedom of choice is a right.






Well, it's good that we agreed on something. Perhaps we're not unlike each other afterall.

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Or are the extremist the reason why.


In the video the peaceful Muslims are seen angry at the extremist.

1 white English convert caught my attention. His accent sounded like he was from another country...


Anyway it's easy to see why some on this forum and others in Britain have formed an opinion on Muslims. However I think people could easily form the same opinion if they watched Videos on EDL.


The media are highlighting Extremist and this can only be bad for peaceful Muslims.


Anyone wearing a tracksuit and baseball cap are classic car thieves and probably haven't got a job. This is the thought of many because the media put that in to your head a few years ago.


My final thoughts are. Not everyone who wears a tracksuit and baseball cap are Chavs. Not everyone who is fat eats because they're greedy. Underweight people don't have fast metabolisms, they're ill. And not every Muslim is bad, as those seen in this video below. The media highly the worst cases because it sells and causes a stir.


See here for 1 link http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0444flh/panorama-from-jail-to-jihad


Islamophobia is a buzzword dreamed up by somebody to describe a very real fear of Islam. Islam is quite dangerous and intolerant so quite naturally some people get worried or scared. Someone picked up on this but rather than tackle the reason for the fear they instead decide anyone who does not feel islam is the best thing since sliced bread must be a racist and an "islamophobe"

For me i don't fear muslims at all but Islam? That is fast becoming a different story.

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