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Are the media to blame for Islamophobia

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Islamophobia is a buzzword dreamed up by somebody to describe a very real fear of Islam. Islam is quite dangerous and intolerant so quite naturally some people get worried or scared. Someone picked up on this but rather than tackle the reason for the fear they instead decide anyone who does not feel islam is the best thing since sliced bread must be a racist and an "islamophobe"

For me i don't fear muslims at all but Islam? That is fast becoming a different story.


I call them Muslim haters rather than islamaphobes, you are an example of an intolerant Muslim hater yourself. :rolleyes:

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Please, please grow up.


Do you think it is irrational to hate people that hate you?


No one fully understand the emotion of hatred but what they do know is that areas in the medial frontal gyrus, right putamen, premotor cortex and medial insula activate when you see something or someone you hate.

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Do you think it is irrational to hate people that hate you?


No one fully understand the emotion of hatred but what they do know is that areas in the medial frontal gyrus, right putamen, premotor cortex and medial insula activate when you see something or someone you hate.


Hatred brings division, destruction and death.


Love is the answer.

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Hatred brings division, destruction and death.

Love is the answer.


It also bring safety and peace, it is a human emotion and for the most part is totally out of the control of the individual.



Do you think we would be here if the crusaders had loved and embraced Islam instead of hating and repelling it? Or if our soldiers had loved the Nazis instead of hating and defeating them?

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I call them Muslim haters rather than islamaphobes, you are an example of an intolerant Muslim hater yourself. :rolleyes:


If im an example of one its a poor example unless you can show me thread after thread or post after post of anti Islam ranting? You throw that accusation around too freely whilst trying to portray some moral superiority. You do your faith no credit behaving in this way and id urge you to be less aggressive and more tolerant of other peoples views.

Peace and love to you my friend :)

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I can't understand how anyone can purport to be religious (ie: believe in Islam) yet support the barbary of Sharia Law. How can a supposedly humane peaceful religion harbour things such as chopping off limbs, stoning to death, killing unbelievers, slavery of unbelievers, etc. In my opinion anyone who believes in it is no better than a savage.

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I can't understand how anyone can purport to be religious (ie: believe in Islam) yet support the barbary of Sharia Law. How can a supposedly humane peaceful religion harbour things such as chopping off limbs, stoning to death, killing unbelievers, slavery of unbelievers, etc. In my opinion anyone who believes in it is no better than a savage.


Religion is the root of all evil, religious people worship a God that has killed millions of people during its emotional outbursts, is there any wonder some worshipers act in the same way. Religion isn't about peace, its about control and power.

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