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Are the media to blame for Islamophobia

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Hatred brings division, destruction and death.


Love is the answer.


I have read some books written by Muslims and it appears that most Muslims believe that the the world is divided between Muslims and non-Muslims (Infidels).The only authority they believe in is Allah.

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Well we need , as REDS under the BEDS as governments need to have a positive role in ORDINARY people's lives, and it gives them a parental role, to protect their brood from imaginary forces out to rape your children and wives. Its a derivative of wartime propaganda, as you have more chance of drowning in your bath, falling off the roof, getting run over, or winning the lottery than ever being harmed as a result of Islam-phobias.


IT also makes one more accepting of local burglars, muggers, which are a more real threat, but as the banks need your money, as corporate GB is slowly being impoverished, and incomes decline which is a global situation not just local. It diverts the focus as to the real direction of government legislation.

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From the OP, it all depends on what you classify as media. News channels are regulated. It is the general public that cast their views with some better at relaying their thoughts than others, like on SF for example.

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