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Are the media to blame for Islamophobia

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Look at my post again, i didnt say all.


---------- Post added 13-05-2014 at 09:44 ----------



Yes they are. Of course they are. Whats the point of this thread anyway? Are you wanting opinions? If you are can we have our own opinion or do we need to agree with you?


So turn your opinions to the extremist and not the whole Muslim community?


It's a debate, yes. I can't see why you would hate all Muslims because of extremist?

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Nail on head! come on people, wake up! Muslims are not to blame for the extreme views of those who have taken it down another route.


Who is to blame for the extreme few's of a Muslims, from my point of few it must be the Muslim concerned, the Muslims around him, and the book he reads, from their point of few it must be the fault of Allah for making a defective human.

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It's just a posh word to describe an ignorant, racist idiot.


I'd say I suffer Islamaphopia and wouldn't describe myself as an ignorant, racist idiot, far from it.


I don't have a problem with Muslims, I'll take each person as I find them. I don't know any personally, but regularly catch taxis and find the majority as good as gold and often enter into conversation about cricket, family and religion.


When you look around the world and see many of the atrocities that are taking place, they're carried out in the name of Islam, which is why so many people are untrusting of that religion as opposed to Sikhs, Buddhists etc.


Even when they can't find another religion to have a fight with they start fighting amongst themselves....It's almost as if some of them are spoiling for a fight.


I've no doubt there are many hundreds of millions of Muslims who are good people and their religion gives them some structure in their lives, which is a good thing, but for others it seems to be the attitude that if you're not with us you're against us.


Christianity used to be like this, but has developed to suit the modern world we live in, Islam really needs to do the same.





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So turn your opinions to the extremist and not the whole Muslim community?



Again, i didnt say all. I can see how this thread will go. :rolleyes:



It's a debate, yes.


No its not, and youll prove it


I can't see why you would hate all Muslims


Oooh look, like clockwork.

Do me a favour, show me where i said i hate anyone, where i said all muslims, show me or ill just report the thread. Im sicj to the back teeth of the likes of you, putting words in others mouths. Its sad and pathetic.

You dont want a debate, you want to preach and tell everyone these muslims who do the stuff i highlighted are poor misunderstood souls and its actually the TV and newspapers who are the problem.

Get a grip and stop playing the victim.

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Yes, because all muslims are bad and we all know it, right?


Another one who adds stuff in and makes things up.

Where did that poster say all?

Ill give you and tipex a clue, he didnt and neither did i. The only ones who have said "all" are you two. Grow up and debate like an adult!


---------- Post added 13-05-2014 at 09:53 ----------


Who said all Muslims are bad? They might all be delusional but for many it doesn't make them bad.


You are just wasting your time.

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Again, i didnt say all. I can see how this thread will go. :rolleyes:




No its not, and youll prove it




Oooh look, like clockwork.

Do me a favour, show me where i said i hate anyone, where i said all muslims, show me or ill just report the thread. Im sicj to the back teeth of the likes of you, putting words in others mouths. Its sad and pathetic.

You dont want a debate, you want to preach and tell everyone these muslims who do the stuff i highlighted are poor misunderstood souls and its actually the TV and newspapers who are the problem.

Get a grip and stop playing the victim.


Well said, its all part of the Islamic extremist propaganda machine.


---------- Post added 13-05-2014 at 09:55 ----------



You are just wasting your time.


I know, but it does give me something to do whilst its raining, and someone as to oppose the extremists. :)

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Well said, its all part of the Islamic extremist propaganda machine.


---------- Post added 13-05-2014 at 09:55 ----------



I know, but it does give me something to do whilst its raining, and someone as to oppose the extremists. :)


Good luck mate, youre going to need it.

Ill tell you, very few things annoy me as much as posters like the OP.

They say they want to start debate, they say they want others opinions (sometimes) yet when people give an opinion unless its the same as theirs you are branded intolerant bigoted or (and this ones sooooo funny as it shows their racism in full light, they just dont know it) Racist!!!

You see them picking at people, adding words and phrases that were never typed then get all upset and angry whilst at the same time ignoring the fact these words were never typed in the first place.

Its real school yard stuff and so immature but they just keep doing it.

Id say they were mental but then id get into trouble for calling them names.

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Good luck mate, youre going to need it.

Ill tell you, very few things annoy me as much as posters like the OP.

They say they want to start debate, they say they want others opinions (sometimes) yet when people give an opinion unless its ..... Etc


Tell me pal, is there such a thing as homophobia?


Wouldn't the solution to homophobia be to call out those that practice it and try to make them see they are wrong?


You are supporting ivanava who downright denies islamophobia exists. Think about that for a few moments and then give a reply.

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