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Are the media to blame for Islamophobia

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Of course the media is to blame (sic) If it wasn't for them showing all the atrocities caused by this fowl religion then we wouldn't be so prejudiced would we ?:huh:


Agreed, they also do a brilliant line in not showing all the good work they do. The millions of Jordanians who have basically given up all they had to support their brethren from Syria and help them survive, the billions and billions of pounds each year donated by muslims to charity. The fact that muslims actually care for their elderly in their own homes and so on and so on.


btw, not sure what birds are to do with islam?

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No, muslims are. The media dont blow people up, the media dont kidnap kids and hold for ransom, the media didnt blow up the twin towers, the media dont demand special treatment, the media dont murder people for drawing cartoons.


So youre another one who cant read. Where did i say all? Ill help you out, i didnt.


Just so everyone knows, constantly having words put in my mouth to change the meaning of my posts is something that ONLY happens on islam threads. So, ill add to my first post of this thread, Muslims and people who cant are the ones to blame for islamophobia.


Then you really need to use a few more words to make that distinction in your posts. You didn't say all, you just said 'muslims' - believe it or not, but rules of grammar dictate at that point that you infer all.


No, rain is responsible for flooding.

No, toilets are for flushing.

No, fowls are not always clucking.


You get my drift.

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Then you really need to use a few more words to make that distinction in your posts. .


No i dont. Anyone without an agenda didnt make anything of it, only you and yours decided to play silly buggers.

The only things you are succeeding in is making yourself look ridiculous, showing you are intolerant, making sure this thread will close.

So you go for gold mate, you do your stuff, you have your fun then basque in the victimhood you so clearly love. Tell yourself its everyone else, not you, its them. Youre the victim, your the innocent.

Anyone playing with a full deck will see thats crap though but please, dont let that stop you

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Of course the media is to blame (sic) If it wasn't for them showing all the atrocities caused by this fowl religion then we wouldn't be so prejudiced would we ?:huh:


Their religion has nothing to do with these atrocities! They use their religion as a scape goat for their mental illness!

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No i dont. Anyone without an agenda didnt make anything of it, only you and yours decided to play silly buggers.

The only things you are succeeding in is making yourself look ridiculous, showing you are intolerant, making sure this thread will close.

So you go for gold mate, you do your stuff, you have your fun then basque in the victimhood you so clearly love. Tell yourself its everyone else, not you, its them. Youre the victim, your the innocent.

Anyone playing with a full deck will see thats crap though but please, dont let that stop you


I gave you a chance to get out of your first post, stating it was poorly worded and now you are attempting to blame me for your inconsiderate post?


Or wait, is it because you genuinely are guilty of islamophobia? Let me review that post again:


No, muslims are. The media dont blow people up, the media dont kidnap kids and hold for ransom, the media didnt blow up the twin towers, the media dont demand special treatment, the media dont murder people for drawing cartoons.


Yup, the latter, so stop wriggling, it only makes things more obvious.

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I don't know who this fella is, I don't hold a rolodex with idiots on my desk, nor do I affiliate with UAF.


Again, not a clue who the fellow is. Also, UAF has its foundations in the workers movement aka socialism. I am not going to go into a political paradigm debate but believe me, it isn't the same.


Maybe a good idea to get some information on them before commenting.


By putting a position forward that is so obviously generalising that it is obvious. Have fun denying it.
I haven't generalised about anyone.


Once you actually start listening out for it, latent islamophobia is everywhere, just like homophobia is - people, including me, are afraid of what they don't understand, the only way to combat that is by gaining understanding - which is what I am doing by engaging in dialogue with the muslims I know, by reading (but by no means understanding) the Quran and by placing myself in their shoes.
And when you do understand it there is no guarantee that your understanding will lead you to the same conclusion as someone elses understanding.




Like I explained above, I haven't got a clue who he is, if he, like you claim, is one of the radical elements in islam than he needs to be taken to court for sowing hatred, but he hasn't been taken to court, he hasn't been found guilty of anything as far as I know, so until then I believe in the principle of innocent until proven guilty.

I also don't care whether he is in UAF or not, I have no association with UAF and don't care for them either way. Again, not sure why that is relevant at all?

He's already been to court for sewing hatred, thats what he and the UAF are all about.




Just want to add, blaming islam for the in-fighting that is going on is another way of saying you don't understand history. Christians have been bashing each others skulls in for centuries, once the Catholic church finally gained the upperhand in these parts they strung up anybody not catholic, accusing them of witchcrafting and herecy (not unlike the extremists in islam are doing). Then when there was a split in the church the protestants and catholics pursued each other relentlessly, Huguenots in France were massacred, Catholics in the Germanic states were butchered for protecting priests.

That what you get with religion, its all about control, power and money, and those things cause people to kill each other.


Inside all people are animals - the thing that puts us above that is dialogue.


I don't think any amount of dialogue is going to change the position of the Islamists.

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