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Are the media to blame for Islamophobia

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And why is your version of Islam any more valid than their version of Islam, and how do you account for the fact that your God must have created these two lunatics in the full knowledge that they would one day kill Lee Rigby.



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And why is your version of Islam any more valid than their version of Islam, and how do you account for the fact that your God must have created these two lunatics in the full knowledge that they would one day kill Lee Rigby.


As I said before, it's nothing to do with religion.

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In your opinion it is nothing to do with religion and in my opinion it as everything to do with religion.


If I wanted to take "gods word" and twist it, much like the idiots at Westboro Baptist Church, then kill someone, would that have anything to do with religion, or would it be down to the fact that I'm a nut job who wanted to kill someone?

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If I wanted to take "gods word" and twist it, much like the idiots at Westboro Baptist Church, then kill someone, would that have anything to do with religion, or would it be down to the fact that I'm a nut job who wanted to kill someone?


Who decides how the words of an imaginary God should be interpreted?


Religion perpetuates the myth that drives humans to do horrific things in the name of an imaginary God.

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Who decides how the words of an imaginary God should be interpreted?


Religion perpetuates the myth that drives humans to do horrific things in the name of an imaginary God.


And who the hell are you to deny them. You act like you've been raped by a catholic priest, but the fact he raped you is a lot more to do with him than it is with him being catholic.


You cant simply blame everything on religion, it is a short sighted and very fallable approach to provide excuses for the fact that we, as humans, are cruel.

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And who the hell are you to deny them.
I'm not denying anyone anything, I wouldn't deny someone the right to build a cult around Adolf Hitler, but I also wouldn't support their stance and I would do everything I could to dissuade people from joining such a cult.



You act like you've been raped by a catholic priest, but the fact he raped you is a lot more to do with him than it is with him being catholic.


You cant simply blame everything on religion, it is a short sighted and very fallable approach to provide excuses for the fact that we, as humans, are cruel.


Nor I have I blamed everything on religion.

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In your opinion it is nothing to do with religion and in my opinion it as everything to do with religion.


Nor I have I blamed everything on religion.


You know what? I really can't take you serious any more, there are times when I think you aren't as stupid as you come across, and than you post two things within 30 minutes and I know I am stupid for thinking so.

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