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Miners killed in Turkey, so sad

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See link, up to now 232 are dead, over 200 unaccounted for, not much hope of them being alive.


This is a disaster of immense scale, and electrical fault apparently caused an explosion killing these men.


These are sons, fathers & grandchildren such a sad day in mining, Turkey declares 3 days of national mourning.:(

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The numbers just keep on rising and it's so sad. I hope that at least some of those who are still missing are down there safe and well and waiting for rescuers.


This is a reminder of one of the results of the health and safety record in this country. Industrial disasters of this scale are commonplace in countries where health and safety in the workplace is less rigorous and although H&S is taken too far in some places, the fact that this magnitude of loss of life is rare in this country does have to be lauded.

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The numbers just keep on rising and it's so sad. I hope that at least some of those who are still missing are down there safe and well and waiting for rescuers.


This is a reminder of one of the results of the health and safety record in this country. Industrial disasters of this scale are commonplace in countries where health and safety in the workplace is less rigorous and although H&S is taken too far in some places, the fact that this magnitude of loss of life is rare in this country does have to be lauded.


Agreed, and yet we are importing cheap coal - it comes with a price.

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Agreed, and yet we are importing cheap coal - it comes with a price.


Cheap goods of all sorts really. How many people don't own a garment made in Bangladesh? We conveniently forget the 1200 people who died when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed but when it did, it was making garments for the West.


Undercutting has to have a cost somewhere.

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The numbers just keep on rising and it's so sad. I hope that at least some of those who are still missing are down there safe and well and waiting for rescuers.


This is a reminder of one of the results of the health and safety record in this country. Industrial disasters of this scale are commonplace in countries where health and safety in the workplace is less rigorous and although H&S is taken too far in some places, the fact that this magnitude of loss of life is rare in this country does have to be lauded.


It is rare in Turkey as well, they mostly adhere to EU h&s standards as far as I am aware. Mining is just a dangerous business, no two ways about it.

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