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Has Farage been telling us porkies? Surely not..

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Idiotic? No.


The fact is that low paid immigrants do not pay anywhere near enough to pay their share of the national bill. Whilst they may initially contribute more than they directly take out that doesn't last because the circle of life moves on... people get pregnant and visit the GP, they give birth in NHS hospitals and receive NHS aftercare, they get child benefit, the low wages aren't enough to support the family so they get in-work benefits, the kids go to school, they hit hard times and use the welfare system, they access the justice system, use emergency services, they start getting older and using the NHS more, need perscriptions


And there are plenty of immigrants that won't touch the NHS,don't want to,and more than that,will pay out of their own pockets to fund their own medical needs,like these:





Hard by the Hanger Lane gyratory, a grotty eight-lane roundabout in west London, is a quiet pioneer. The My Medyk clinic opened in 2008 and now has 30,000 patients on its rolls. The firm has opened a second branch in London and wants to open a third. Rivals are multiplying. Most of these private clinics contain dentists, general practitioners (GPs), paediatricians and gynaecologists. They have pulled off the remarkable feat of selling medical care to working- and middle-class people who could get it for nothing.

It is British primary care, however, that many Poles find wanting. Some prefer to see Polish-speaking doctors, although many who use the private clinics speak excellent English. More simply want better customer service than British GPs tend to provide, with their brief consultations and frustrating systems for booking appointments. And the immigrants are used to a different set-up. In Poland, as in much of continental Europe, GPs do not act as gatekeepers. Patients book appointments directly with specialists, who also perform procedures that would be classed as out-patient services in Britain.

“There was a gap in the market”, explains Radek Przypis, manager of the Hanger Lane outfit. The clinics charge fixed fees, which are published on their websites, for consultations and treatments. This means that they rely on regular customers for revenue, and need to treat them well if they are to retain them. The clinics often invest in imaging and diagnostic equipment, such as ultrasound scanners (a 3-D pregnancy scan costs £95, or $146). This is a booming business: more children in Britain are now born to Polish women than to women from any other foreign country.

Though set up to meet demand from Britain’s growing Polish population, the clinics are trying to broaden their appeal. Manchester’s Green Surgery has Slovaks, Hungarians and, oddly, Portuguese on its books. Whereas the Green Surgery caters mainly to professionals, My Medyk’s patients come from a broader range of backgrounds. Many of them are “people working on construction sites and cleaning people’s houses,” says Mr Przypis.

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And there are plenty of immigrants that won't touch the NHS,don't want to,and more than that,will pay out of their own pockets to fund their own medical needs,like these:






Each immigrant costs the taxpayer up to £8,350 a year in healthcare, education and benefits bills, according to official government figures.


Illegal immigrants cost taxpayer more than £4,000 a head each year


A Home Office report reveals illegal immigrants cost the public purse up to £4,250 and disclosed the controversial 'Go Home' ad vans were more successful than previously thought.


So illegal immigrants cost us less than legal immigrant presumably because illegals can't get public services and benefits.



Illegal immigrants may be granted free access to NHS

HUNDREDS of thousands of illegal immigrants could get free access to the NHS and other public services under plans being discussed by Euro MPs.

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Migrants contribute £25bn to UK economy, study finds


Migrants coming to the UK since the year 2000 have been less likely to receive benefits or use social housing than people already living in the country, according to a study that argues the new arrivals have made a net contribution of £25bn to public finances.

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Migrants contribute £25bn to UK economy, study finds


Migrants coming to the UK since the year 2000 have been less likely to receive benefits or use social housing than people already living in the country, according to a study that argues the new arrivals have made a net contribution of £25bn to public finances.


Thats interesting.


7.5million immigrants live in Britain.

A HUGE surge in migration has caused the number of foreigners living in the UK to almost double to 7.5 million in just 10 years, up from 4.6 million in 2001.


£25,000,000,000 ÷ 3,000,000 extra immigrants = £8,333 each, but they cost us £8350 each which is a short fall of £20 each.


So there appears to be zero gain for the UK population, other than they take up space, use housing, schools, NHS, commit crime, increase our cost of living, clearly don't contribute enough to cover the cost of services they use.


That doesn't look that good to me.

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And there are plenty of immigrants that won't touch the NHS,don't want to,and more than that,will pay out of their own pockets to fund their own medical needs,like these:





Hard by the Hanger Lane gyratory, a grotty eight-lane roundabout in west London, is a quiet pioneer. The My Medyk clinic opened in 2008 and now has 30,000 patients on its rolls. The firm has opened a second branch in London and wants to open a third. Rivals are multiplying. Most of these private clinics contain dentists, general practitioners (GPs), paediatricians and gynaecologists. They have pulled off the remarkable feat of selling medical care to working- and middle-class people who could get it for nothing.

It is British primary care, however, that many Poles find wanting. Some prefer to see Polish-speaking doctors, although many who use the private clinics speak excellent English. More simply want better customer service than British GPs tend to provide, with their brief consultations and frustrating systems for booking appointments. And the immigrants are used to a different set-up. In Poland, as in much of continental Europe, GPs do not act as gatekeepers. Patients book appointments directly with specialists, who also perform procedures that would be classed as out-patient services in Britain.

“There was a gap in the market”, explains Radek Przypis, manager of the Hanger Lane outfit. The clinics charge fixed fees, which are published on their websites, for consultations and treatments. This means that they rely on regular customers for revenue, and need to treat them well if they are to retain them. The clinics often invest in imaging and diagnostic equipment, such as ultrasound scanners (a 3-D pregnancy scan costs £95, or $146). This is a booming business: more children in Britain are now born to Polish women than to women from any other foreign country.

Though set up to meet demand from Britain’s growing Polish population, the clinics are trying to broaden their appeal. Manchester’s Green Surgery has Slovaks, Hungarians and, oddly, Portuguese on its books. Whereas the Green Surgery caters mainly to professionals, My Medyk’s patients come from a broader range of backgrounds. Many of them are “people working on construction sites and cleaning people’s houses,” says Mr Przypis.


And still cost the NHS,


"My Medyk, which is regulated by the Care Quality Commission, will usually refer patients to their closest hospital and any scans, chemotherapy, surgery or other procedures will be funded by the NHS."

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Migrants contribute £25bn to UK economy, study finds


Migrants coming to the UK since the year 2000 have been less likely to receive benefits or use social housing than people already living in the country, according to a study that argues the new arrivals have made a net contribution of £25bn to public finances.


As I posted on another thread:


The thing with statistics is you can twist them to suit your argument.


I recall on a previous thread someone mentioned that immigrants contribute £1.50 for every £1 they cost.


What exactly does that mean?


Does it take into account additional housing, schooling, health care requirements?


Does it take into account their cost when they're old and relying on a pension?


Does it take into those things that can't be priced but have a value to us all.....Loss of green belt land for more housing?


Does it take into account potential future insurance costs due to flooding, as more properties are built on flood plains because of the increase in population?


Could the £1.50 per immigrant be turned into £2.50 per immigrant if we were more selective about those we let in?


It's easy to throw numbers out there, but it's what's behind those numbers and the impact in other areas that really counts.


As the saying goes - There's lies, damn lies and statistics.


For what it's worth I don't have a problem with immigrants coming in to fill the void where we're lacking in particular skills in this country, whether that be Doctors, Nurses or Bricklayers.


Where jobs don't require skills though, I'd prefer to see some of our own layabouts being forced into taking jobs by having their benefits stopped.


Instead of bringing in someone from Romania to work as a waitress in a boarding house, get Shaznay off her fat backside and make her do the work.


That way we're improving our economy by saving on Shaznay's benefits and She'll be making a tax contribution as well.






Edit: Apologies to anybody called Shaznay (if that's a name) :hihi:

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And still cost the NHS,


"My Medyk, which is regulated by the Care Quality Commission, will usually refer patients to their closest hospital and any scans, chemotherapy, surgery or other procedures will be funded by the NHS."





Another British patient, who did not want to be named, said the care she received was ‘beyond comparison’ with that offered by the NHS.


‘I tried the NHS but I felt like I was getting nowhere because they kept sending me to people who said they couldn’t help me. I feel like I can trust what they tell me at My Medyk, they work to give me what I need, rather than make my need fit into a big system.’

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Another British patient, who did not want to be named, said the care she received was ‘beyond comparison’ with that offered by the NHS.


‘I tried the NHS but I felt like I was getting nowhere because they kept sending me to people who said they couldn’t help me. I feel like I can trust what they tell me at My Medyk, they work to give me what I need, rather than make my need fit into a big system.’


All fine and dandy but they are still costing the UK more than they contribute.

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All fine and dandy but they are still costing the UK more than they contribute.


And what do their bosses who finally manage to fill vacancies contribute? All fine and dandy, but it is their bosses keeping this country afloat, not them.

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