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Vitamin d deficiency

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It's a major problem in the UK due to diet and lack of sunlight. Speaking to a dermatologist last month who estimated 60percent of the population are deficient to an extent.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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i was diagnosed as severley vitamin d deficient a couple of months ago and now quite a few people i know have been diagnosed as well,ive never heard of it before so why suddenley should it become more of an issue?


This can lower your mood too. I take a supplement.

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i was diagnosed as severley vitamin d deficient a couple of months ago and now quite a few people i know have been diagnosed as well,ive never heard of it before so why suddenley should it become more of an issue?


Take your clothes off and get some sun, it will do you the world of good.

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Years ago lack of vitamin D caused Rickets and 50 years ago, post war, it was unheard of but it is returning. Bow legs and chest problems in children. This probably these days is something to do with the fact that children would rather stay indoors playing computer games than get outside and run about in sunlight. Also today, there are diets which don't include dairy products such as milk, cheese etc which help give the body the vitamin D it needs to produce and keep bones strong.

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i was diagnosed as severley vitamin d deficient a couple of months ago and now quite a few people i know have been diagnosed as well,ive never heard of it before so why suddenley should it become more of an issue?


Didn't your GP help you to work out why you might be deficient?


Generally a lack of sunlight, always being indoors, covered up, or covered in sun cream are the most likely culprits!

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