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Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy

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I agree longleyman - it is wonderful news and I am sure that the pressure that the government has been under from the media and various organisations has brought about this lady's freedom. I hope she can now go back to her family and live in peace with them and her new baby.


BTW Plain Talker:

And, yet, Bonzo, (she said, brightly) the people who are screaming about the barbarity of sharia are the first to start screaming that thieves, murderers, burglars, rapists, etc should have their hands/ heads/ gonads cut off... *wry laugh*

Who are 'the people' to whom you refer? I certainly don't know anyone who is advocating this sort of barbarism. It is natural that you want to defend your religion but please get your facts straight. As referred to above, you can be fairly sure that a large part of this lady's freedom is down to pressure from the West and from Christian religious organisations. I hope that liberal Muslims have also been involved in campaigning for her release.

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And, yet, Bonzo, (she said, brightly) the people who are screaming about the barbarity of sharia are the first to start screaming that thieves, murderers, burglars, rapists, etc should have their hands/ heads/ gonads cut off... *wry laugh*

Theres a big difference between waffling on about it and actually doing it

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And, yet, Bonzo, (she said, brightly) the people who are screaming about the barbarity of sharia are the first to start screaming that thieves, murderers, burglars, rapists, etc should have their hands/ heads/ gonads cut off... *wry laugh*


But do they say the same towards women that don't follow Christianity?

If not,then there's no real comparison.

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Channel 4 News reported that she hasn't been freed. A reporter stated that the government doesn't have the power to do this. It has to be a judge and an appeal would take months.


I wonder what's in it for them?

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She'll be freed when Western Gov'ts cave in to blackmail and do a back-door, hush-hush deal and bung some Gov't minister cash wrapped up as aid or trade. We'll be seeing a lot more of this kind of stuff when Govts, such as those in Sudan, recognise that the West will pay to help individuals in cases like this. It makes Cameron/Obama look powerful and statesmanlike if they intervene successfully and weak and impotent if they can't do owt.

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