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Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy

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They cant really start bleating about minorities in this case ,not when its the law of a country ruled by the religion,people on here condemn Nazism and what it stood for IMO Islam is far worse simply because its not confined to one particular country its actions will eventually make the Nazis look like a nursery school in action ,funny really they condemn Nazism mainly for its anti semitic stance yet Islam takes the same stance and doesnt hide its hatred of the Jewish people



You have to be more careful... There appear to be quite a few people in this country, and who use this forum, that might think its ok to call you a racist for saying something like that. Just because something is true, even if it is irrefutable, does not in their opinion give you the right to say it and I'm sure given the opportunity some of them would even like to see you prosecuted for doing so.


I wonder if the phrase .. Islamic Nazi... will catch on?




---------- Post added 04-06-2014 at 00:00 ----------


Quite a few Russian's do look at Stalin with hero worship yes, but that is besides the point.


You were claiming that Islam was not peaceful. I mentioned some alternatives to Islam that were more violent.




Islam is by its very nature a very peaceful doctrine ...


Look how hard it is for them to get enough volunteers when they sentence someone to be stoned to death.. oops.


It is a very tolerant doctrine too.

Look how the police did not interfere with other peoples' right to kill someone in public





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Another horrific story of the Muslim war on women.

A Sudanese court has sentenced a woman to hang for apostasy after she left Islam and married a Christian man.


"We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged to death," the judge told the woman, AFP reports.

Human rights group Amnesty International condemned the sentence as "appalling and abhorrent".

Local media report the sentence would not be carried out for two years after she has given birth.


I am a Christian and I never committed apostasy”


Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag


Sudan has a majority Muslim population, which is governed by Islamic law. It rules that apostasy - the abandonment of one's religious faith - is a crime.


Western embassies and rights groups had urged Sudan to respect the right of the pregnant woman to choose her religion.


The judge also sentenced the woman to 100 lashes after convicting her of adultery - because her marriage to a Christian man was not valid under Islamic law.


This will reportedly be carried out when she has recovered from giving birth.


ahhhh that will be the religion of peace then????:loopy::loopy:


I would have expected to here about wide spread protests in the Sudan, but other than a few people outside the court the people of Sudan don't appear to be bothered about her plight.

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I would have expected to here about wide spread protests in the Sudan, but other than a few people outside the court the people of Sudan don't appear to be bothered about her plight.


My opinion is "And i dont know' if they sudan would do that to her for her offence, what would they do to me for disagreeing with them, when they can hide behind the koran.

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You have to be more careful... There appear to be quite a few people in this country, and who use this forum, that might think its ok to call you a racist for saying something like that. Just because something is true, even if it is irrefutable, does not in their opinion give you the right to say it and I'm sure given the opportunity some of them would even like to see you prosecuted for doing so.


I wonder if the phrase .. Islamic Nazi... will catch on?




---------- Post added 04-06-2014 at 12:09 ----------


The Lords Resistance Army? they are the first that come to mind.


Then, much closer to home, there's the IRA and the Ulster Defence Volunteers.


In Africa the "Anti Balaka"... or what about ETA?

You are talking here about small inconsequential groups ,there are probably more Mulims in Bradford than the sum total of the groups you mention ,granted they have all resorted to violence in the past bur nothing on the regularity and scale of Muslim atrocities and seein how the OP is concerned with the treatment of females I dont think the groups you mention are infamous for their treatment of the female sex.

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Examples please


Here in the west we are mostly exposed to ''Modern'' Christians who have basically accepted some of the christian teaching are just archaic, violent etc and out of touch with today's society.


While I recognize some other religions are a bit behind the times (that's one of the reasons they are prominent in lesser developed countries). It's important to remember similarly there are such things as ''Modern'' Muslims who no doubt are as disgusted as the rest of us, but also there are still Christian values sneakily interfering in Laws (Russia) and in some countries the values instilled by the 'Christian era' (Which by the way I believe to be firmly over) are still used as justification to rape, torture and murder minorities. Minorities which were created by Christianity, and it's subsequent adoption by law, laws which were then forced on our concurred lands.


Again, not so prominent in this country, ''Christian Law'' (if you like) went a long time ago in England, for the most part, but it is happening. The difference is, it's not reported as Christians do XYZ like these are.

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