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Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy

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Here in the west we are mostly exposed to ''Modern'' Christians who have basically accepted some of the christian teaching are just archaic, violent etc and out of touch with today's society.


While I recognize some other religions are a bit behind the times (that's one of the reasons they are prominent in lesser developed countries). It's important to remember similarly there are such things as ''Modern'' Muslims who no doubt are as disgusted as the rest of us, but also there are still Christian values sneakily interfering in Laws (Russia) and in some countries the values instilled by the 'Christian era' (Which by the way I believe to be firmly over) are still used as justification to rape, torture and murder minorities. Minorities which were created by Christianity, and it's subsequent adoption by law, laws which were then forced on our concurred lands.


Again, not so prominent in this country, ''Christian Law'' (if you like) went a long time ago in England, for the most part, but it is happening. The difference is, it's not reported as Christians do XYZ like these are.

Take the highlighted sentence replace christians for muslims and you have hit the nail straight on the head ,the people on here who defend Muslims only see what is happening here ,they dont or havent had the pleasure of seeing Muslims in the hotbed s of Islam and tend to ignore what blatantly happens in those countries simply for that fact,they havent seen it with their own eyes,theres not a conspiracy against Islam it can furnish enough proof of its barbarity and backwardness without any help thank you very much.Just think on and ponder this thought ,what happens in Muslim countries could start happening over here on a greater scale ,thers enough evidence of honour killings being on the rise over here and the actions regarding Lee Rigby is a perfect example of the fact

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......Minorities which were created by Christianity, and it's subsequent adoption by law, laws which were then forced on our concurred lands.


Minorities are not created by christians or anyone other than the people who choose to go and live in other people's lands, that's when they become a minority. Muslims are not a minority group in the middle east. asia or parts of africa. They only become minorities when they choose to become one.


Again, not so prominent in this country, ''Christian Law'' (if you like) went a long time ago in England, for the most part, but it is happening. The difference is, it's not reported as Christians do XYZ like these are.


It's not reported because christianity as a religion is becoming , if its not already become, a spent force. As is evidenced in other parts of the world when christians are being treat as second class citizens, being mistreated and even killed by their muslim neighbours and the rest of the world only shows a little concern by giving these event a brief mention on the news but no-one actually does anything to help them.


Or is it that as far as you are concerned christians are not allowed to be classed as a minority wherever they choose to live. Some muslim countries won't even let christians build a church yet it appears that here muslims are allowed to build or create mosques wheresoever they seem to wish.


Once again the hypocracy of the PC brigade and looney left completely underwhelms me.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks as if international outrage has had the desired effect:




" A Sudanese woman who was sentenced to death for converting from Islam to Christianity has been released from prison, it has been reported.


According to the official state news agency in Sudan, a court has ordered 27-year-old Meriam Yahya Ibrahim be freed after her case sparked outrage around the world.


Ms Ibrahim's Christian American husband Daniel Wani was notified earlier this month that the appeals court in Sudan was deliberating the case, though the government had previously promised she would be released.


Sudan's SUNA news agency said today: "The appeal court ordered the release of Mariam Yahya and the cancellation of the (previous) court ruling."



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"The family is unconvinced by the court's decision. We were not informed by the court that she was to be released; this came as a surprise to us," al-Hadi said Tuesday. "The law has failed to uphold our rights. This is now an issue of honor. The Christians have tarnished our honor, and we will know how to avenge it."-----------------Here we go again. Muslims' honour has been tarnished. Is vengeance on the cards?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Out of interest, how many other people had to look up the word 'Apostasy'?


I'd never heard of it before.






I'll hold my hand up to it too!


---------- Post added 19-07-2014 at 16:22 ----------


It must be my Ecclesfield School education....or lack of. :hihi:






Haha! Snap!

Think you're definately onto something!

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"The law has failed to uphold our rights. This is now an issue of honor. The Christians have tarnished our honor, and we will know how to avenge it."-----------------Here we go again. Muslims' honour has been tarnished. Is vengeance on the cards?

Is the Pope a Catholic?

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