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Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy

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This is the sort of thing that makes people anti-islamist
And with good reason.


---------- Post added 17-05-2014 at 21:57 ----------


Ditching my parentally imposed religion was the best thing I ever did, and no one gave a toss! It's a shame that Muslims can't leave Islam without being killed.

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I can just imagine them all sat round their computers, Eyes closed with hands on ears repeating "please go away, please go away please go away" :hihi:


Scribbling the words "bang to rights" across the cover of their Billy Bragg album :hihi:

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They cant really start bleating about minorities in this case ,not when its the law of a country ruled by the religion,people on here condemn Nazism and what it stood for IMO Islam is far worse simply because its not confined to one particular country its actions will eventually make the Nazis look like a nursery school in action ,funny really they condemn Nazism mainly for its anti semitic stance yet Islam takes the same stance and doesnt hide its hatred of the Jewish people

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There was a time long ago when the catholic hierarchy saw nothing wrong in sentencing people to death by fire, often preceded by torture. Thankfully those times are long gone.


Perhaps there will come a time when the same can be said of islam and there will be no more horrors such as that to be inflicted on the poor woman currently under sentence.


All supposedly in the name of a non existent god. No wonder I am an atheist.

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