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Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy

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Another horrific story of the Muslim war on women.

A Sudanese court has sentenced a woman to hang for apostasy after she left Islam and married a Christian man.


"We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged to death," the judge told the woman, AFP reports.

Human rights group Amnesty International condemned the sentence as "appalling and abhorrent".

Local media report the sentence would not be carried out for two years after she has given birth.


I am a Christian and I never committed apostasy”


Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag


Sudan has a majority Muslim population, which is governed by Islamic law. It rules that apostasy - the abandonment of one's religious faith - is a crime.


Western embassies and rights groups had urged Sudan to respect the right of the pregnant woman to choose her religion.


The judge also sentenced the woman to 100 lashes after convicting her of adultery - because her marriage to a Christian man was not valid under Islamic law.


This will reportedly be carried out when she has recovered from giving birth.


ahhhh that will be the religion of peace then????:loopy::loopy:


This is just as bad as cold blooded murder, even worse in fact. The thing is, Muslims can exercise their religion without this barbaric, old fashioned side to it.

I'm totally against this kind of behaviour. But I wouldn't blame a religion for the actions of an idiotic government. They're living in the past.


If you ask me, this is where tolerant, peaceful, forward thinking countries like England cone into there own. We should take the woman in, give her a home, job and a future!


---------- Post added 18-05-2014 at 09:20 ----------


I'm always staggered that so many people stick their heads in the sand and refuse to recognise the blindingly obvious, which is that there is no place in a civilised, free society for Islam.


There's no place for the death penalty either.


Islam can be a peaceful religion. Millions of Muslims live a peaceful life in the UK.


If I had my own way, all religions would be none existent. Then people who want to kill don't have any excuses to hide behind!

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I'm always staggered that so many people stick their heads in the sand and refuse to recognise the blindingly obvious, which is that there is no place in a civilised, free society for Islam.


Let's look at some of these things Islam brought to pre Islamic Arabia- and how the Golden Age of Islam spread with these foundations- whilst Europe was in the Dark Ages. Perhaps then we can also deduce if there was/is such a place for it.


Extracts taken from Wikipedi- in quotes (non quotes are my own)


Historians generally agree that changes in areas such as social security, family structure, slavery and the rights of women improved on what was present in existing Arab society


Anyone who has read a historical account of life in Arabia, a biography on Muhammad cannot deny that these were key aspects on how Islam bettered the lives for people, especially women.


The Constitution of Medina, also known as the Charter of Medina, was drafted by Muhammad in 622. It constituted a formal agreement between Muhammad and all of the significant tribes and families of Yathrib (later known as Medina), including Muslims, Jews, and pagans.[8][9] The document was drawn up with the explicit concern of bringing to an end the bitter inter tribal fighting between the clans of the Aws (Banu Aus) and Banu Khazraj within Medina. To this effect it instituted a number of rights and responsibilities for the Muslim, Jewish, and pagan communities of Medina bringing them within the fold of one community-the Ummah


Okay- so we have peaceful agreements made and a one community basis which included Jews: I thought Muslims hated Jews..:huh:


In fact, it is widely believed the founding father of America, Thomas Jefferson (who was a deeply studied man) and had a copy of the Qur'an (known as the Jefferson Qur'an)- used the social basic principles of the Charter of Medina, based on the Quranic laws etc to write the Declaration of Independence.


The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution contain similar clauses on some topics. The Constitution of Medina states:

"The Jews shall maintain their own religion and the Muslims theirs...The close friends of Jews are as themselves" and "those who followed them and joined them and struggled with them. They form one and the same community"


Sound familiar..


Muhammad as a reformer who condemned practices of the pagan Arabs such as female infanticide, exploitation of the poor, usury, murder, false contracts, fornication, adultery, and theft. He states that Muhammad's "insistence that each person was personally accountable not to tribal customary law but to an overriding divine law shook the very foundations of Arabian society... Muhammad proclaimed a sweeping program of religious and social reform that affected religious belief and practices, business contracts and practices, male-female and family relations". Esposito holds that the Qur'an's reforms consist of "regulations or moral guidance that limit or redefine rather than prohibit or replace existing practices." He cites slavery and women's status as two examples.


So even if you do not believe in a divine Law/God- surely if someone came up with a basis to codemn such things as the above (which were prevalent in arabia)- surely it cannot be a bad thing? Pretty civilised in my opinion..


William Montgomery Watt states that Muhammad was both a social and moral reformer. He asserts that Muhammad created a "new system of social security and a new family structure, both of which were a vast improvement on what went before. By taking what was best in the morality of the nomad and adapting it for settled communities, he established a religious and social framework for the life of many races of men.


Which many countries adopted - governments around the world have used this basic format to create their social structures.


In pre-Islamic Arabia, upon capture, those captives not executed, were made to beg for their subsistence. During his life, Muhammad changed this custom and made it the responsibility of the Islamic government to provide food and clothing, on a reasonable basis, to captives, regardless of their religion. If the prisoners were in the custody of a person, then the responsibility was on the individual



Hang on a minute- I thought Muslims and Islam were barbarians..or is it because thick headed bigots just see some people carrying out atrocities and crimes under the disguise of Islam.. but blame the entire religion??:huh:


Watt states that Islam is still, in many ways, a man's religion. However, he states that Muhammad, in the historical context of his time, can be seen as a figure who testified on behalf of women's rights and improved things considerably. Watt explains the historical context surrounding women's rights at the time of Muhammad: "It appears that in some parts of Arabia, notably in Mecca, a matrilineal system was in the process of being replaced by a patrilineal one at the time of Muhammad. Growing prosperity caused by a shifting of trade routes was accompanied by a growth in individualism. Men were amassing considerable personal wealth and wanted to be sure that this would be inherited by their own actual sons, and not simply by an extended family of their sisters' sons. This led to a deterioration in the rights of women. At the time Islam began, the conditions of women were terrible - they had no right to own property, were supposed to be the property of the man, and if the man died everything went to his sons." Muhammad, however, by "instituting rights of property ownership, inheritance, education and divorce, gave women certain basic safeguards


No woman had any complaints then and when properly implemented, a Muslim woman has plenty of rights- in fact, if you read a bit and educated yourself (try it, it is quite enjoyable)- even the Islamic state in Spain (Golden Age of Islam)- the NON MUSLIM women (especially Jewish) would go to the Muslim Qadi (Judge) when divorcing their husbands or seeking rights- why? Because they knew their rights would be fulfilled under Islamic Law.


So there is a snapshot for how 'Islam has no place in a civilized society'..




Oh yeah- and as for the OP- typical uneducated vomit.


No punishment exists for apostasy- in Shariah (no Quranic law or punishment).


There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion


So if the Sudan government is stating this lady should be executed for a crime like this under Shariah (apostasy)- then all the defence has to do is ask where under the Shariah, such punishment is outlined.


I would stand in court and read out:


“Let him who wishes to believe, do so; and let him who wishes to disbelieve, do so.”
(Al-Kahf: 29)


Case closed.

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Haha! Bit of an under statement there!

Well you are entitled to your opinion just as long as you read it


My phone won't let me look at them without going through an age check lol


Oh wait, you didnt read it but you still think its one sided??

That made me :hihi:

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