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Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy

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Let's look at some of these things Islam brought to pre Islamic Arabia- and how the Golden Age of Islam spread with these foundations- whilst Europe was in the Dark Ages. Perhaps then we can also deduce if there was/is such a place for it.


Extracts taken from Wikipedi- in quotes (non quotes are my own)




Anyone who has read a historical account of life in Arabia, a biography on Muhammad cannot deny that these were key aspects on how Islam bettered the lives for people, especially women.




Okay- so we have peaceful agreements made and a one community basis which included Jews: I thought Muslims hated Jews..:huh:


In fact, it is widely believed the founding father of America, Thomas Jefferson (who was a deeply studied man) and had a copy of the Qur'an (known as the Jefferson Qur'an)- used the social basic principles of the Charter of Medina, based on the Quranic laws etc to write the Declaration of Independence.


The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution contain similar clauses on some topics. The Constitution of Medina states:


Sound familiar..




So even if you do not believe in a divine Law/God- surely if someone came up with a basis to codemn such things as the above (which were prevalent in arabia)- surely it cannot be a bad thing? Pretty civilised in my opinion..




Which many countries adopted - governments around the world have used this basic format to create their social structures.





Hang on a minute- I thought Muslims and Islam were barbarians..or is it because thick headed bigots just see some people carrying out atrocities and crimes under the disguise of Islam.. but blame the entire religion??:huh:




No woman had any complaints then and when properly implemented, a Muslim woman has plenty of rights- in fact, if you read a bit and educated yourself (try it, it is quite enjoyable)- even the Islamic state in Spain (Golden Age of Islam)- the NON MUSLIM women (especially Jewish) would go to the Muslim Qadi (Judge) when divorcing their husbands or seeking rights- why? Because they knew their rights would be fulfilled under Islamic Law.


So there is a snapshot for how 'Islam has no place in a civilized society'..




Oh yeah- and as for the OP- typical uneducated vomit.


No punishment exists for apostasy- in Shariah (no Quranic law or punishment).




So if the Sudan government is stating this lady should be executed for a crime like this under Shariah (apostasy)- then all the defence has to do is ask where under the Shariah, such punishment is outlined.


I would stand in court and read out:


(Al-Kahf: 29)


Case closed.

So what happened that this wonderful new system dictated to Mohammed by a bright shining 'angel' has ended up like this? If what you say is true, something's obviously gone wrong in the interim. Have you any ideas as to what can be done to put it back on track?

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Let's look at some of these things Islam brought to pre Islamic Arabia- and how the Golden Age of Islam spread with these foundations- whilst Europe was in the Dark Ages. Perhaps then we can also deduce if there was/is such a place for it.



I might have agreed with you if Mohammad and his followers hadn't implemented that through force of arms and conquest, which clearly a peaceful religion wouldn't have done.


---------- Post added 18-05-2014 at 12:10 ----------


D'you not think those sites are just a tiny bit one sided?


No more one sided than some of Islams supporters.

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Neither. It presents a wholly negative portrayal of Islam and of Muslims.

There are no positives mentioned at all, ergo it's one sided.


Lets say hypothetically that i agree its one sided. That doesnt stop it being accurate though.

Do you agree its accurate?

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Lets say hypothetically that i agree its one sided. That doesnt stop it being accurate though.

Do you agree its accurate?


How about you actually rather than hypothetically agree that it's one sided and we'll take it from there.

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Not quite


And here is a list of islams 'work'



I see that and raise you a Holocaust, the Crusades and the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan if you want to compare to Christianity.


If you want to compare Islam to atheism (I am an atheist) have a look at Stalin's purges and Mao's great leaps forward.


As someone who has been on this forum before moaning about being vicitimised because of what you are (queer) I found it outrageous you visit the same uneducated bigotry on another minority group. I think there is a greater link between people like you (gays) spreading HIV then there is between Islam and terror. Shall I start making threads about gays and who they are a diseased people? Or will that offend you?


p.s I am making a point, that thread would offend me too.


I might have agreed with you if Mohammad and his followers hadn't implemented that through force of arms and conquest, which clearly a peaceful religion wouldn't have done.


---------- Post added 18-05-2014 at 12:10 ----------



No more one sided than some of Islams supporters.


If you study the spread of Islam and compare it to the spread of other large world movements in the past 2000 years (Capitalism, Christianity, Communism, Socialism etc) you would realise that it was relatively peaceful.


I don't imagine you have had the forethought to do that though have you?

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