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Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy

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No, you can easily do that for yourself.


As a first step though, perhaps you could try recognising the reality that the vast majority of Muslims are as peace loving as you and I.


So were the vast majority of the German people before a minority led them into a World War in search of world domination

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A person who uses a card game analogy to describe death on a massive scale is not someone i like to talk to and also someone with obvious severe mental issues. Or a troll.

Oh and im not a Christian.


You are embarrassing yourself on two levels.


I used a turn of phrase, not an analogy. Learn the difference.


By saying I have "severe mental issues" is fairly disgusting in it's flippant attitude towards people suffering from mental health issues. It is a fairly repugnant thing to say.


You constantly swerve other people's questioning of your ludicrous points of view. As someone who has no doubt suffered at the hands of bigotry it is such a shame that you are so prepared to visit it on others.

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I see that and raise you a Holocaust, the Crusades and the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan if you want to compare to Christianity.


If you want to compare Islam to atheism (I am an atheist) have a look at Stalin's purges and Mao's great leaps forward.


I don't think Christianity had very much to do with the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and atheism had even less to do with Stalin or Mao's crimes.

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You are embarrassing yourself on two levels.



Only two? I must be slipping. Mind you its not Friday nights "All you can drink from the bellybutton of the fattest man at the club" special event so two levels is about right.


Tell you what ill embarrass myself some more. These people are savage creatures working within the confines of a brutal religion and we should have nothing to do with them or their ilk.

They think its right to take a human life (bad enough) for wanting to prey to another sky pixie (sick as sick can get) and yet there are people labeling me things, calling me names because i find it abhorrent.

You support it if you want. Im just thankful i wasnt born in a place where this religion is in charge. Im sure my short life would be utterly horrid.

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What happened the African Charter on Human and People's Rights that guarantees equal treatment for men and women, freedom of religion, the right to marry one's choice and the right to family life? Is Sudan not a member of AU and what will the AU say about this discriminatory and barbaric ruling? What a sad country Sudan has turned out to be? I hope African and western leaders will put pressure on Sudan not to carry out the sentence but also allow the couple to marry. I am not sure even in the dark ages the woman would have been punished for doing what is expected of all civilised societies.



And in the meantime, 200 or so kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls are willingly "converted" to this form of oppression.

Sorry, that should read "liberated".


. Do these people really think that when it comes to judgement day, their god will give them a pat on the back and say , good job converting 200 people in 5 minutes with an ak 47, ?

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Only two? I must be slipping. Mind you its not Friday nights "All you can drink from the bellybutton of the fattest man at the club" special event so two levels is about right.


Tell you what ill embarrass myself some more. These people are savage creatures working within the confines of a brutal religion and we should have nothing to do with them or their ilk.

They think its right to take a human life (bad enough) for wanting to prey to another sky pixie (sick as sick can get) and yet there are people labeling me things, calling me names because i find it abhorrent.

You support it if you want. Im just thankful i wasnt born in a place where this religion is in charge. Im sure my short life would be utterly horrid.


You make it sound like none islamaphobic people on here support the killing and brutality to men and women. That's not true. People don't support that at all. Don't twist things!

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You make it sound like none islamaphobic people on here support the killing and brutality to men and women. That's not true. People don't support that at all. Don't twist things!
No, he doesn't make it sound like that. Although you seem to be trying to imply that if we have a legitimate concern, somehow we're Islamophobic. Get a grip, mate. Some people on here spend all their time inventing strawmen to knock down and twisting other people's posts.


In cases like this Sudanese one, the silence from the usual suspects is deafening. The only people that can stop these atrocities are other muslims being critical and objecting, as the rest of us just get accused of being prejudiced.


I'd like to know what they're doing about what's going on in one of 'their homelands', and nothing much, not even weasel words, seems to be the answer. :(

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No i dont. :)


Tell you what ill embarrass myself some more. These people are savage creatures working within the confines of a brutal religion and we should have nothing to do with them or their ilk.

They think its right to take a human life (bad enough) for wanting to prey to another sky pixie (sick as sick can get) and yet there are people labeling me things, calling me names because i find it abhorrent.

You support it if you want. Im just thankful i wasnt born in a place where this religion is in charge. Im sure my short life would be utterly horrid.


Support what?

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