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Which martial art should I take up?

Guest brownd95

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why don't you try Bob Hague fantastic sensei he's been teaching Shotokan karate for almost forty years . just started teaching at westways primary school up crooks on a Monday at 7pm vistit his website at

he has his own dojo as well just email him

he also teaches on a Wednesday at 6.30 to 7.30 pm for beginner's then 7.30 to 9pm for a bit more advanced then Friday 7.30 to 9pm

fantastic social club we have outings. night outs. Also squad training .cross training including life training and first aid training if that website link doesn't work type in Sheffield Shotokan karate club.

Edited by fastfatboy43
web link not working
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If you want self-defence as an element of your martial art training, you need something that involves some element of full-contact sessions (controlled, and tailored to your level, of course).


Because, quite obviously, if you get into a situation where you need to defend yourself through physical conflict, your opponent will not be engaging in anything other than full-contact.


Getting a few knocks in the gym and learning what it feels like is much better than finding it out 'for real' in the street, and you'll be better prepared for the mental and physical responses your body throws at you in a real situation.

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Here`s my tuppence worth.


I teach Traditional Karate, not sport Karate. The difference being is that through our Holistic training methods you learn to grow with your martial art in body and mind. Principle based learning allows you to understand how Martial arts work in a safe and friendly environment applying yourself to self defence and self development at the same time.


The sessions are geared towards getting a good sweat on and positive learning, through kick boxing, close quarter, basic grappling and groundwork, kata and functional application. Anyway..... Look for other threads on here under Seishin if you want class details. I am starting a couple of new beginners classes next week in Crookes and Meersbrook. We also have a class in Hunters bar too.


Good luck with your search. Enjoy your training whatever you decide to do. :)




Sounds interesting Seishi. The repertoire of fighting skills taught seems quite comprehensive but can you describe Kickboxing and grappling as Traditional Karate

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Depends on your understanding of what the word Tradition is in regard to Karate. We do basic kicking and boxing first to get you used to some basic weaponry and range and impact training (not kick boxing as in sport martial art), then bring it in close for close quarter (elbows and knees) Then learn how to receive (uke)move toward a bit of grappling , wrist locks, joint locks strangulations and chokes. At the heart of Karate training is kata. The ancient ideas of combat were passed on through learning forms. Okinawan karate deals with all the aspects of combat through the understanding of Kata, therefore my reference to tradition is that we train in a method that explores all aspects of martial arts in relation to self defence and not rule bound practise which is more common to sport/tournament martial arts.That is not saying that one is better than the other , or even that one style is better than another, all martial arts must function with an understanding of basic princilpes. Centre line, circles, power generation, posture, mindset etc. All martial arts under go change in style as they evolve. Modern karate has been no exception. I try to train how I believe they would have done a few hundred years a go, which is open minded and to quote Bruce Lee, "absorb what is useful.". My inspiration toward this way of thinking has been influenced by the work of people like Steve Rowe, Patrick McCarthy. Derek Ridgway and Iain Abernethy. I am continually learning and researching and respect all martial arts. Anyway... that was the long winded reply.:loopy: Hope thats makes sense. Best wishes. :thumbsup:

PS. Old style karate was very influenced by a form of Okinawan Sumo wrestling fused with Chinese boxing.The Kata contain all the secrets of the Old masters... learning principles is the key to unlocking the secrets held within. Thanks.

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Thanks for the reply Seishin. You're quite right kata is at the heart of karate. Kata interpretation and bunkai aren't practised nearly enough in my opinion in the clubs I've been a member of. The only style that seems to practise it is Goju Ryu which I've practised on and off since 1986. I'm a lost soul really when it comes to karate swopping and changing "styles" all the time along the way but I've mainly studied Shukokai and Goju. I've always enjoyed the sparring side and do consider it an important aspect of practise but would still like to improve my knowledge of kata bunkai. I think my "monkey see monkey do" approach is more typical of Japanese karate rather than the more relaxed informal Okinawan approach to learning. I'm getting on in years now but I wouldn't mind trying out your classes.


Thanks a lot

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I have a similar background. I used to be concerned that I wasnt as good at my style as I should be as I have always sought knowledge from different styles and wandered about. But I dont really care anymore as I would like to think that i look at the bigger picture. I admire people who stay loyal to one style and specialise. But that is not my nature. After 30 odd years of practise I just practise Karate,style is purely of academic interest to me. I love studying the history of martial arts and the more I read the more I feel that my path is more akin to the old ways. MMA has had a massive impact on modern karate thinking.It got people thinking about what they are actually practising instead of just accepting what was being taught.But I now feel that MMA has been around for a very long time, cos thats the way it used to be, if it works , use it. Mavericks like Patrick McCarthy have shown people that it is ok to question and do your own research rather than be a slave to one way of thinking."Think outside the box" Horses for courses at the end of the day. Depends what you want from your art. I still have a long way to go in several areas, but where I am lacking I bring in other Instructors to teach us so we can improve. All my Instructors teach from a principle based application method, they all have their own interpretations according to their own experience, but generally all encourage you to research and make it your own as it was in the old days. Understanding principles is the key to open the door. Please get in touch if you want. Always happy to meet open minded people. Thanks. Good to chat on here.

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I can only recommend where I went personally and that's with Farhad at AFK. It's city centre based, great instruction and fantastic full body workout.

The guys down there were really welcoming and there's no pressure to spar unless you really want to. I did it for fitness and no other reason, I lost near on two stone and met some great people whilst I was at it.


Details below or look for posts from Chefkicker on here.




Get Fitter , Meet new People , Learn New Skills!!!

07775 914155


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