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Why is Sheffield Forum so active?

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I have joined various forums (fora?) over the years, all of which seem to have shrivelled almost to nothing, though for no apparent reason.


But why has Sheffield Forum remained so active for so long. What does it get right that others don't?

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Boards.ie is really rather good in many respects...then again, its audience and registered users is several-fold that of SF: it's like a ginormously-big SF, at the scale of the Irish Republic (with, unsurprisingly, a heavy Dublin bias).


SF is as close an online forum to it (at its scale, as a "virtualised local community") as I've ever run into, and is to be commended for the quality of moderation and 'spread' of interest-specific sections, considering its resources.


A like button would be nice, but is not essential because of the comparatively small number of regular 'quality' posters.


Can't think of anything else realistic/achievable, considering the size and resources (e.g. I can fully understand how and why the image tags are generally disabled outside the marketplace - moderation nightmare for a smallish-scale family-friendly forum).


If you're in dire need of posting swear words, have/enjoy a (very) wicked sense of humour, do not shock easily and sport an alligator-thick hide, you could do worse than the 'After Hours' subforum of Boards.ie :twisted:


This is quite a good answer.

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It endures partly for all the wrong reasons. At its worst, it's a last-gasp bastion of pig-headed political incorrectness, and an unapologetic hotbed of small-minded Daily Mailism. (Surprising, given South Yorkshire's Labour roots).


At its best it has a life of its own and there are some interesting characters and lively debates, (despite the trolls).


What surprises me is that there isn't a forum like SF in every city. It's a remarkable thing - worth emulating.

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I have been on facebook groups, and because people have lots of differing opinions, its gets too heated when being totallly frank with real people.

Face to face, most people are nice to each other, but on here it does not matter too much.

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What surprises me is that there isn't a forum like SF in every city. It's a remarkable thing - worth emulating.


That surprises me as well.


I know the people who run Sheffield Forum have started a Leeds Forum, but the last time I checked it was nothing like as active as this one.


How long has Sheffield Forum been running and how long did it take to build up a solid following of regular users?


The best thing about this Forum is the information you can quickly pick up about so many different things, whether that be a new restaurants, an incident in the city or who to use if your boiler has conked out. We even get the police posting on here because they know there's such a big following.





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