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Britain first, new Far-Right group on the march.

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Just wondering if anyone has noticed this far-Right group that really seems to be motoring now. They're called Britain first and are a complex mix. They are half street movement/ want to be paramilitary's. And half political party.


The thing that makes them particularly interesting is their Facebook page, they've got 323,000 likes. More than Labour and the Lib Dems put together. Unlike a lot of the far-right groups they exist squarely to fight Muslims not making a distinction between the Radical Islamism and normal Islam.


This is a link to their Facebook page where you'll see what there about: https://www.facebook.com/britainfirstgb?fref=ts

And this is a better description of them :http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/hate-groups/bf/



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You can but, I've been seeing a lot of them about on Facebook. I think their populism has drawn a lot of people in.


Maxmaximus, Ivanavor and Smithy have been working overtime is all...no big mystery.

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Just wondering if anyone has noticed this far-Right group that really seems to be motoring now. They're called Britain first and are a complex mix. They are half street movement/ want to be paramilitary's. And half political party.


The thing that makes them particularly interesting is their Facebook page, they've got 323,000 likes. More than Labour and the Lib Dems put together. Unlike a lot of the far-right groups they exist squarely to fight Muslims not making a distinction between the Radical Islamism and normal Islam.


This is a link to their Facebook page where you'll see what there about: https://www.facebook.com/britainfirstgb?fref=ts

And this is a better description of them :http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/hate-groups/bf/




my bold


surprising :roll:

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My uncle supports them, because apparently they fight religious extremism. Not realising they are a religious group (christian), and do what many would consider extremist activities.

what he means is, as usual


theyre against muslims


thats where the extremism and religious aspect starts and ends with these groups


ironic for a group titled "britain first" they seem to be against part of the british community, british muslims Oo

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what he means is, as usual


theyre against muslims


thats where the extremism and religious aspect starts and ends with these groups


ironic for a group titled "britain first" they seem to be against part of the british community, british muslims Oo


They probably mean old Britain, not New. I used to like old Labour until they went all new on us :hihi:


My son was moaning about this bunch of racists the other day, he said he was fed up of people posting stuff about them, I suggested he gets some new friends as I had never heard of them :D

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i was talking about someat with the maintenence guy at work, and he brought up the bnp, then mentioned some other new group starting with britain or british

he mustve meant these


---------- Post added 17-05-2014 at 16:12 ----------


Never heard of them....Are they similar to the EDL?






according to the link for the hope not hate site posted above, it says


In 2013 the party began to pick up a lot of disaffected former EDL supporters, attracted by a hearty mixture of confrontation, harassment and the apparent distribution of free alcohol on demonstrations.


but also

The party registered itself with the Electoral Commission in early 2014 with the intention of unseating Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP and an MEP for the North West region.
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