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Britain first, new Far-Right group on the march.

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i was talking about someat with the maintenence guy at work, and he brought up the bnp, then mentioned some other new group starting with britain or british

he mustve meant these


I keep calling the EDL the EPL, so another group is just going to confuse me even further.





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Never heard of them....Are they similar to the EDL?






A bit. They both hate Muslims, but have different tactics. The EDL use public demo's with hundreds of people. While Britain First barge into Mosques and hand out bibles and tell the Iman to convert or go to hell. But only use about 10 people.



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its called getting old, wait till you start calling the missus the wrong name :hihi:


I was once on the phone trying to sort out my married mans allowance and I did actually forget her name.....I just had a mad mind blank moment.....very embarrassing. :hihi:





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A bit. They both hate Muslims, but have different tactics. The EDL use public demo's with hundreds of people. While Britain First barge into Mosques and hand out bibles and tell the Iman to convert or go to hell. But only use about 10 people.



see theyre trading on the name of lee rigby again :(

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A bit. They both hate Muslims, but have different tactics. The EDL use public demo's with hundreds of people. While Britain First barge into Mosques and hand out bibles and tell the Iman to convert or go to hell. But only use about 10 people.




I started watching the video but didn't get very far.....That was too embarrassing to continue. :shocked:





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im still watching it, hes a grade A ********, that Paul Golding




---------- Post added 17-05-2014 at 16:36 ----------



he once went to the cenotaph wearing a pair of pants on his head :suspect:

but he said somebody else put them on his head and there happened to be a photographer there lol

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im still watching it, hes a grade A ********, that Paul Golding




---------- Post added 17-05-2014 at 16:36 ----------



he once went to the cenotaph wearing a pair of pants on his head :suspect:

but he said somebody else put them on his head and there happened to be a photographer there lol


im surprised you/nobody didn't link him to the guy stood next to him lol






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  • 1 month later...

They are holding a rally at Dronfield Station on Saturday night 8pm I'm hoping the good people of Sheffield will be there to let them know they aren't wanted.


Just wondering if anyone has noticed this far-Right group that really seems to be motoring now. They're called Britain first and are a complex mix. They are half street movement/ want to be paramilitary's. And half political party.


The thing that makes them particularly interesting is their Facebook page, they've got 323,000 likes. More than Labour and the Lib Dems put together. Unlike a lot of the far-right groups they exist squarely to fight Muslims not making a distinction between the Radical Islamism and normal Islam.


This is a link to their Facebook page where you'll see what there about: https://www.facebook.com/britainfirstgb?fref=ts

And this is a better description of them :http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/hate-groups/bf/



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A lot of their Facebook posting are quite innocuous, not linked to extremism and appear quite sensible. One was saying people convicted of dog fighting should face jail, a fair position unless you think people should be able to organise dogs to rip each other apart and walk free.

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