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Men of S yorks - do you 'preen'?

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this is getting interesting - where does 'preening' begin, when I wor a lad, int backstreets o' salford, int 60's, I can't remember how often we changed clothes (including undies!) or had a bath - sure as hell wasn't every day - bath once or twice a week I think - no one had a shower, though we had one after PE at school.


Now, a shower a day (often 2) is normal -never wear 'touching' clothes twice, trousers 2 or 3 times (max) - we who can afford it are scrupulously clean.


so moisturizer, started using it a few years ago - instant younger face!! chin tightened up, creases and bags round eyes lessened, generally nicer feeling round the mush - becomes normal. If a bloke uses any more products than me - he's a wuss. that must be it.


my daughter still reckons her mate's dads just soap n go, but I'm not so sure.

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this is getting interesting - where does 'preening' begin, when I wor a lad, int backstreets o' salford, int 60's, I can't remember how often we changed clothes (including undies!) or had a bath - sure as hell wasn't every day - bath once or twice a week I think - no one had a shower, though we had one after PE at school.


Now, a shower a day (often 2) is normal -never wear 'touching' clothes twice, trousers 2 or 3 times (max) - we who can afford it are scrupulously clean.


so moisturizer, started using it a few years ago - instant younger face!! chin tightened up, creases and bags round eyes lessened, generally nicer feeling round the mush - becomes normal. If a bloke uses any more products than me - he's a wuss. that must be it.


my daughter still reckons her mate's dads just soap n go, but I'm not so sure.


Does E45 really do all that? Must pop down to Boots tomorrow!

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Nothing wrong with plucking hairs, it's just hair management. If you go to the barbers and you think plucking hairs is wrong then you're a hypocrite.


Also, moisturising, I don't do it myself on my face because my skin is already quite oily, but if you've got dry skin, that could lead to cracking which is painful and if you don't want to moisturise just because you think it's feminine and risk uncomfortably dry skin then you're an idiot.


Hair mousse, if anyone can tell me why it's so different to clay or gel then go ahead. At the end of the day with all these young spunks swarming about you need a USP to gain a market share. Like, some people would consider wearing a tie a valid form of effort making but not making your hair look presentable with product. How does that work?


I'm sure in days gone by they'd have considered deodorant to be -insert antiquated term for metrosexual here- but now if you don't use it, you're a tramp.

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