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Men of S yorks - do you 'preen'?

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my daughter (rather cruelly I thought) just called me a 'preener'!!


in the morning I wash face with soap and then shave - use a cleanser to remove shaving goo, shower, moisturize (with E45 - nowt dear - it's all the same greasy stuff), hair mousse and a spritz of cologne (favourite is davidoff cool water).


Is this unusual? am I a 'preener'? - offspring reckons men of my age (early 50s) just shave shower and offski. Is she right? My masculinity is at stake here!!!!


Are you a preener? Well, compared to me yes, you are.


My morning routine consists of splashing my face with cold water and brushing/flossing my teeth. If I remember I'll run my fingers through my hair to style it. I have a beard so only trim that once a week, less frequently if I can't be bothered.

I might have a shower or a bath when I get home, probably works out at every two to three days. Hair gets washed in water, tend to only use shampoo and conditioner about once a month. If I'm going out at the weekend I'll shower and maybe trim the beard.

Bedtime is again splashing face with cold water, brushing/flossing teeth and if I remember applying a bit of the wife's moisturiser to keep me looking young and fresh.



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I don't preen, unless coerced.


I brush teeth, shave, shower, deodorant, maybe aftershave if going out, and that's it.


I'll only use a balm (shaving soother cream/ointment thing), if I'm getting a skin rash/reaction to shaving. But then I use costly shaving stuff (Gillette supermachturbo453 or somesuch, and Gillette sensitive shaving cream) to keep that at bay (I have to shave every day, twice if I have an evening do/function, or I'd get a not-quite-stubble-anymore-more-like-a-beard by day 3...for the last 25 years at least, and it's only ever gotten worse :()


Re. coerced, the extent of my preening is nose/ear hair & eyebrows plucked by Mrs L00b on regular basis, only to indulge her sadistic tendencies. Personally, I prefer the flaming cotton ball used by Turkish trained professionals. Their lemon shave-rinsing balm isn't bad either...except for the initial jump-to-the-ceiling buuuuuuurn, that is :hihi:


Clippers size 2 for hair style, no need to dry or style, kept that since national service days, never done me any harm.


I'm a real bloke I am :D

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Daily ... wake up and wipe face with damp flannel (or dishcloth), clean teeth with glug of Listerine, comb hair with palm of hand or pillow, colour teeth with strong black coffee. If necessary, spray armpits with room freshener (lavender if a choice exists). Listerine again at bedtime.


Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat ... shower (including hair)


Thursday ... shave (hair shampoo's just as good as shaving gel)


Friday ... Squirt of Chanel Allure Homme ('toilet water' if my French is up to modern requirements)


Weekly ... nasal hair styling, normally removal (including stubborn bogeys)


Monthly ... cut off thick skin on heels with Stanley knife blade or kitchen knife.

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Daily ... wake up and wipe face with damp flannel (or dishcloth), clean teeth with glug of Listerine, comb hair with palm of hand or pillow, colour teeth with strong black coffee. If necessary, spray armpits with room freshener (lavender if a choice exists). Listerine again at bedtime.


Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat ... shower (including hair)


Thursday ... shave (hair shampoo's just as good as shaving gel)


Friday ... Squirt of Chanel Allure Homme ('toilet water' if my French is up to modern requirements)


Weekly ... nasal hair styling, normally removal (including stubborn bogeys)


Monthly ... cut off thick skin on heels with Stanley knife blade or kitchen knife.


It wasn't looking too bad - maybe your ablutions are a bit on the frequent side - until you spoiled everything with that squirt of toilet watter. Definitely tipped you over into preening territory.

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