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The Sunday Times "Rich List"

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Its out again today ,the same old inherited wealth mob from the Royals ,Dukedoms and silver spooners grinning away whilst posing outside the ever so troublesome to maintain stately home .


Meanwhile in a shop door way on Fargate, a man who sleeps in a cardboard box looks around his domain and wonders what luxury today will bring.




Jeremy Corbyn intends any future tax increases to fall on those earning in excess of £80,000.


It's a start.

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Its out again today ,the same old inherited wealth mob from the Royals ,Dukedoms and silver spooners grinning away whilst posing outside the ever so troublesome to maintain stately home .


Meanwhile in a shop door way on Fargate, a man who sleeps in a cardboard box looks around his domain and wonders what luxury today will bring.


its not all inherited wealth a lot of the ones there are damn hard grafters, stop the jealousy:roll: the man who sleep in Fargate is there for a reason and usually choice.


---------- Post added 07-05-2017 at 12:15 ----------


tax the living daylights out of em


do you do cash only jobs????:hihi:

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its not all inherited wealth a lot of the ones there are damn hard grafters, stop the jealousy:roll: the man who sleep in Fargate is there for a reason and usually choice.


---------- Post added 07-05-2017 at 12:15 ----------



do you do cash only jobs????:hihi:


Disagree. Most of them sit on their backsides and wait for their investments to pay up.


As for your callous comment about the homeless man... well I hope you never fall on hard times, trust me, you are not immune....

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Jeremy Corbyn intends any future tax increases to fall on those earning in excess of £80,000.


It's a start.


Is it?


Attacking some hard working salaried NHS consultant or perhaps some inner London headteacher's pay packet is is really going make a differnce is it.


How exactly is that going to punish some Russian Billionaire sitting on their offshore protected assets and secured trust funds?


Its a typcial Corbyn cop out to appeal to the dimbo dumbos that he is doing something about the "rich". £80k a year is not "rich" is just top line of pay scales. There is a huge difference.


If he really wanted to tackle the "rich" he would grow some balls and do it properly. However, like everyone else who comes out with the snappy soundbites, he knows he cant. To do so would take huge resources and solid co-ordinated stances from dozens and dozens of nations.


So, instaed he takes the easy option to be "seen to be doing something" and just attack those who happen to earn slightly more than average.


Its pathetic.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Is it?


Attacking some hard working salaried NHS consultant or perhaps some inner London headteacher's pay packet is is really going make a differnce is it.


How exactly is that going to punish some Russian Billionaire sitting on their offshore protected assets and secured trust funds?


Its a typcial Corbyn cop out to appeal to the dimbo dumbos that he is doing something about the "rich". £80k a year is not "rich" is just top line of pay scales. There is a huge difference.


If he really wanted to tackle the "rich" he would grow some balls and do it properly. However, like everyone else who comes out with the snappy soundbites, he knows he cant. To do so would take huge resources and solid co-ordinated stances from dozens and dozens of nations.


So, instaed he takes the easy option to be "seen to be doing something" and just attack those who happen to earn slightly more than average.


Its pathetic.


You are so wrong.


Jeremy Corbyn has always said he thinks the tax dodgers, Corporations bankers and the like should be made to pay the tax they owe, and he will be going after them, unlike the Tories who say it, but do nothing.


However as far as tax is concerned he has said that the burden will fall on the broadest shoulders. When asked to qualify that by putting numbers in the gap, rather than fudge and dodge the question as other politicians would do, he has come out with a figure of 80K.


Now it might effect you, perhaps you would like to give your support to getting the money out of the tax dodgers, Corporations etc, who, if they pay up, would relieve the burden on hard working, but high earning people such as yourself.


Where do you think we should get the money from?

Edited by Anna B
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Disagree. Most of them sit on their backsides and wait for their investments to pay up.


As for your callous comment about the homeless man... well I hope you never fall on hard times, trust me, you are not immune....


if so AND??? why is that a problem?? some people are born lucky or smart others are not, investing is quite skillful ,i do it o some extent but i am not as lucky as some...i am fine with that.


trust me oh yes i am i would never let myself get in that position no matter what.

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if so AND??? why is that a problem?? some people are born lucky or smart others are not, investing is quite skillful ,i do it o some extent but i am not as lucky as some...i am fine with that.


trust me oh yes i am i would never let myself get in that position no matter what.


The lucky should help the less fortunate surely? Isn't that what a decent civilised society is about? And in the long term, that is good for everyone.


Anyone can be homeless, it just takes a series of misfortunes aligning. Believe me, I've worked with homeless people and they're not all drug addicts and alcoholics by any means. Some used to hold down high powered jobs. Mental illness is by far the most common factor, there's not much help, and sadly that can affect anyone.

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Jeremy Corbyn intends any future tax increases to fall on those earning in excess of £80,000.


It's a start.


It's not,because he isnt going to win.He could promise anything he wants.We would get more tax if everybody paid a flat rate of say 10 percent.Even the wealthy would happily pay that and not try to dodge it.

Edited by area 51
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if so AND??? why is that a problem?? some people are born lucky or smart others are not, investing is quite skillful ,i do it o some extent but i am not as lucky as some...i am fine with that.


trust me oh yes i am i would never let myself get in that position no matter what.


Investing wisely might be skillful, being born into wealth and privilege certainly isn't.

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